29#include "../my_config.h"
44constexpr U_I LINE_TOOLS_SI_SUFFIX = 1000;
45constexpr U_I LINE_TOOLS_BIN_SUFFIX = 1024;
50 argc_argv(S_I size = 0);
51 argc_argv(
const argc_argv & ref) {
throw Efeature(
"argc_argv"); };
52 argc_argv & operator = (
const argc_argv & ref) {
throw Efeature(
"argc_argv"); };
53 ~argc_argv() noexcept(false);
55 void resize(S_I size);
56 void set_arg(const std::
string & arg, S_I index);
59 S_I argc()
const {
return x_argc; };
60 char*
const * argv()
const {
return x_argv; };
67extern void line_tools_slice_ownership(
const std::string & cmd, std::string & slice_permission, std::string & slice_user_ownership, std::string & slice_group_ownership);
68extern void line_tools_repeat_param(
const std::string & cmd,
infinint & repeat_count,
infinint & repeat_byte);
69extern void line_tools_tlv_list2argv(
user_interaction & dialog, tlv_list & list, argc_argv & arg);
75std::string::const_iterator line_tools_find_first_char_out_of_parenth(
const std::string & argument,
unsigned char to_find);
76std::string::const_iterator line_tools_find_last_char_out_of_parenth(
const std::string & argument,
unsigned char to_find);
78std::string line_tools_expand_user_comment(
const std::string & user_comment, S_I argc,
char *
const argv[]);
105 const char *getopt_string,
107 const struct option *long_options,
110 std::deque<char> & presence);
125 const char *getopt_string,
127 const struct option *long_options,
130 bool & Q_is_present);
137 std::string::const_iterator be = val.begin();
138 std::string::const_iterator ne = val.begin();
141 while(ne != val.end())
147 split.push_back(std::string(be, ne));
154 split.push_back(std::string(be, ne));
157extern std::set<std::string> line_tools_deque_to_set(
const std::deque<std::string> & list);
159extern void line_tools_4_4_build_compatible_overwriting_policy(
bool allow_over,
175 bool & no_cipher_given,
176 std::vector<std::string> & recipients);
234 std::string & hostname,
236 std::string & path_basename);
277 const std::string & extension,
289 const std::string & base,
290 const std::string & extension,
312 std::deque <char> quotes;
313 std::string current =
316 bool escaped =
321 if(f.
read(&a, 1) != 1)
356 quotes.push_back(
' ');
364 if(quotes.back() !=
' ')
379 if(a == quotes.back())
384 mots.push_back(current);
416 mem.
write(arg.c_str(), arg.size());
427 const std::string & relative_part);
exception used when a requested feature is not (yet) implemented
exception used to signal range error
the global action for overwriting
this is the interface class from which all other data transfer classes inherit
virtual void write(const char *a, U_I size) override
write data to the generic_file inherited from proto_generic_file
virtual U_I read(char *a, U_I size) override
read data from the generic_file inherited from proto_generic_file
the arbitrary large positive integer class
generic_file stored in memory
virtual bool skip(const infinint &pos) override
skip at the absolute position
the class path is here to manipulate paths in the Unix notation: using'/'
This is a pure virtual class that is used by libdar when interaction with the user is required.
the different compression algorithm available
the different cypher available for encryption (strong or weak)
const char * dar_gettext(const char *)
a routine to change NLS domaine forth and back for inline routines
void line_tools_split_path_basename(const char *all, path *&chemin, std::string &base)
split a given full path in path part and basename part
void line_tools_crypto_split_algo_pass(const secu_string &all, crypto_algo &algo, secu_string &pass, bool &no_cipher_given, std::vector< std::string > &recipients)
std::string line_tools_get_date_utc()
return a string containing the current time (UTC)
std::deque< std::string > line_tools_explode_PATH(const char *the_path)
split a PATH environement variable string into its components (/usr/lib:/lib => /usr/lib /lib)
S_I line_tools_reset_getopt()
returns the old position of parsing (next argument to parse)
delta_sig_block_size::fs_function_t line_tools_string_to_sig_block_size_function(const std::string &funname)
converts string name to function
std::string line_tools_get_euid()
return a string containing the Effective UID
void line_tools_read_from_pipe(std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, S_I fd, tlv_list &result)
Extract from anonymous pipe a tlv_list.
void line_tools_merge_to_deque(std::deque< std::string > &a, const std::deque< std::string > &b)
add in 'a', element of 'b' not already found in 'a'
void line_tools_split(const std::string &val, char sep, T &split)
split a line in words given the separator character (sep)
std::string line_tools_get_hostname()
return a string containing the hostname of the current host
void line_tools_split_in_words(generic_file &f, T &mots)
read a file and split its contents into words
void line_tools_check_basename(user_interaction &dialog, const path &loc, std::string &base, const std::string &extension, bool create)
does sanity checks on a slice name, check presence and detect whether the given basename is not rathe...
std::string line_tools_build_regex_for_exclude_mask(const std::string &prefix, const std::string &relative_part)
builds a regex from root directory and user provided regex to be applied to the relative path
std::string::iterator line_tools_find_first_char_of(std::string &s, unsigned char v)
give a pointer to the last character of the given value in the given string
void line_tools_extract_basename(const char *command_name, std::string &basename)
extracts the basename of a file (removing path part)
std::string line_tools_get_full_path_from_PATH(const std::deque< std::string > &the_path, const char *filename)
return the full path of the given filename (eventually unchanged of pointing to the first file of tha...
void line_tools_check_min_digits(user_interaction &dialog, const path &loc, const std::string &base, const std::string &extension, infinint &num_digits)
if a slice number 1 is met with the provided basename, set the num_digits accordingly
void line_tools_read_range(const std::string &s, S_I &min, U_I &max)
from a string with a range notation (min-max) extract the range values
std::deque< std::string > line_tools_substract_from_deque(const std::deque< std::string > &a, const std::deque< std::string > &b)
remove from 'a' elements found in 'b' and return the resulting deque
const char * line_tools_get_from_env(const char **env, const char *clef)
isolate the value of a given variable from the environment vector
std::string line_tools_get_egid()
return a string containing the Effective UID
infinint line_tools_convert_date(const std::string &repres)
convert a human readable date representation in number of second since the system reference date
void line_tools_display_signatories(user_interaction &ui, const std::list< signator > &gnupg_signed)
display information about the signatories
void line_tools_display_features(user_interaction &dialog)
display the compilation time features of libdar
void line_tools_look_for(const std::deque< char > &arguments, S_I argc, char *const argv[], const char *getopt_string, char stop_scan, std::deque< char > &presence)
test the presence of a set of argument on the command line
bool line_tools_split_entrepot_path(const std::string &all, std::string &proto, std::string &login, secu_string &password, std::string &hostname, std::string &port, std::string &path_basename)
split a given full remote repository path in parts
S_I line_tools_str2signed_int(const std::string &x)
convert a signed integer written in decimal notation to the corresponding value
void line_tools_look_for_Q(S_I argc, char *const argv[], const char *getopt_string, char stop_scan, bool &Q_is_present)
test the presence of -Q and -j options on the command line
void line_tools_split_compression_algo(const char *arg, U_I base, compression &algo, U_I &level, U_I &block_size)
void line_tools_split_at_first_space(const char *field, std::string &before_space, std::string &after_space)
return split at the first space met the string given as first argument, and provide the two splitted ...
std::string tools_printf(const char *format,...)
make printf-like formating to a std::string
the main file of the libdar API definitions
libdar namespace encapsulate all libdar symbols
defines the function to use to derivate block size from file size
List of Generic Type Length Value data structures.