Disk ARchive 2.7.16
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command-line interface More...


file  command_line.hpp
 contains routing in charge of the command-line and included files parsing
file  config_file.hpp
 specific routines to manages included files's targets
file  crit_action_cmd_line.hpp
 contains routines to convert command-line overwriting criterium to their crit_action counterparts
file  dar.hpp
 main module for dar command-line tool
file  dar_suite.hpp
 contains routine to manage CLI's common initialization and ultimate exception catching
file  getopt_decision.h
 switch routine to define which file to include based on the result of the configure script
file  hide_file.hpp
 contains class of base to split files in words
file  line_tools.hpp
 a set of general command line targeted routines
file  my_getopt_long.h
 may lead to the definition of getopt_long to solve declaration conflicts in <unistd.h> and <getopt.h>
file  no_comment.hpp
 contains class that transparently strips out the comments from configuration file


struct  ent_params
 entrepot relative parameters More...
struct  line_param
 all parameters retreived from command-line More...


using cli_callback = S_I(*)(std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, int, char *const[], const char **env)


enum  operation {
  noop , extract , create , diff ,
  test , listing , isolate , merging ,
  version_or_help , repairing
enum  dirty_behavior { dirtyb_ignore , dirtyb_warn , dirtyb_ok }


bool get_args (shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, const char *home, const deque< string > &dar_dcf_path, const deque< string > &dar_duc_path, S_I argc, char *const argv[], line_param &param)
 main routine to extract parameters from command-line and included files
const char * get_short_opt ()
std::string crit_action_canonize_string (const std::string &argument)
 canonizes a criterium description string More...
const libdar::crit_actioncrit_action_create_from_string (libdar::user_interaction &dialog, const std::string &argument, const libdar::infinint &hourshift)
 creates a criterium object as defined by the command line's given string More...
const char * dar_version ()
void dar_suite_reset_signal_handler ()
int dar_suite_global (int argc, char *const argv[], const char **env, const char *getopt_string, char stop_scan, cli_callback call)
 common routine for all dar command-line tools to initialize environment and convert uncaught exceptions to exit status code More...
std::string dar_suite_command_line_features ()
void line_tools_slice_ownership (const std::string &cmd, std::string &slice_permission, std::string &slice_user_ownership, std::string &slice_group_ownership)
void line_tools_repeat_param (const std::string &cmd, infinint &repeat_count, infinint &repeat_byte)
void line_tools_tlv_list2argv (user_interaction &dialog, tlv_list &list, argc_argv &arg)
S_I line_tools_reset_getopt ()
 returns the old position of parsing (next argument to parse)
std::string::const_iterator line_tools_find_first_char_out_of_parenth (const std::string &argument, unsigned char to_find)
std::string::const_iterator line_tools_find_last_char_out_of_parenth (const std::string &argument, unsigned char to_find)
std::string line_tools_expand_user_comment (const std::string &user_comment, S_I argc, char *const argv[])
std::deque< std::string > line_tools_explode_PATH (const char *the_path)
 split a PATH environement variable string into its components (/usr/lib:/lib => /usr/lib /lib)
std::string line_tools_get_full_path_from_PATH (const std::deque< std::string > &the_path, const char *filename)
 return the full path of the given filename (eventually unchanged of pointing to the first file of that name present in the_path directories
void line_tools_split_at_first_space (const char *field, std::string &before_space, std::string &after_space)
 return split at the first space met the string given as first argument, and provide the two splitted string as second and third argument
void line_tools_get_min_digits (std::string arg, infinint &num, infinint &ref_num, infinint &aux_num)
void line_tools_look_for (const std::deque< char > &arguments, S_I argc, char *const argv[], const char *getopt_string, char stop_scan, std::deque< char > &presence)
 test the presence of a set of argument on the command line More...
void line_tools_look_for_Q (S_I argc, char *const argv[], const char *getopt_string, char stop_scan, bool &Q_is_present)
 test the presence of -Q and -j options on the command line More...
template<class T >
void line_tools_split (const std::string &val, char sep, T &split)
 split a line in words given the separator character (sep) More...
std::set< std::string > line_tools_deque_to_set (const std::deque< std::string > &list)
void line_tools_4_4_build_compatible_overwriting_policy (bool allow_over, bool detruire, bool more_recent, const libdar::infinint &hourshift, bool ea_erase, const libdar::crit_action *&overwrite)
void line_tools_crypto_split_algo_pass (const secu_string &all, crypto_algo &algo, secu_string &pass, bool &no_cipher_given, std::vector< std::string > &recipients)
void line_tools_display_signatories (user_interaction &ui, const std::list< signator > &gnupg_signed)
 display information about the signatories
void line_tools_read_from_pipe (std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, S_I fd, tlv_list &result)
 Extract from anonymous pipe a tlv_list. More...
void line_tools_extract_basename (const char *command_name, std::string &basename)
 extracts the basename of a file (removing path part) More...
std::string::iterator line_tools_find_first_char_of (std::string &s, unsigned char v)
 give a pointer to the last character of the given value in the given string More...
void line_tools_split_path_basename (const char *all, path *&chemin, std::string &base)
 split a given full path in path part and basename part More...
void line_tools_split_path_basename (const std::string &all, std::string &chemin, std::string &base)
 split a given full path in path part and basename part More...
bool line_tools_split_entrepot_path (const std::string &all, std::string &proto, std::string &login, secu_string &password, std::string &hostname, std::string &port, std::string &path_basename)
 split a given full remote repository path in parts More...
S_I line_tools_str2signed_int (const std::string &x)
 convert a signed integer written in decimal notation to the corresponding value More...
infinint line_tools_convert_date (const std::string &repres)
 convert a human readable date representation in number of second since the system reference date More...
void line_tools_display_features (user_interaction &dialog)
 display the compilation time features of libdar More...
const char * line_tools_get_from_env (const char **env, const char *clef)
 isolate the value of a given variable from the environment vector More...
void line_tools_check_basename (user_interaction &dialog, const path &loc, std::string &base, const std::string &extension, bool create)
 does sanity checks on a slice name, check presence and detect whether the given basename is not rather a filename More...
void line_tools_check_min_digits (user_interaction &dialog, const path &loc, const std::string &base, const std::string &extension, infinint &num_digits)
 if a slice number 1 is met with the provided basename, set the num_digits accordingly More...
void line_tools_read_range (const std::string &s, S_I &min, U_I &max)
 from a string with a range notation (min-max) extract the range values More...
template<class T >
void line_tools_split_in_words (generic_file &f, T &mots)
 read a file and split its contents into words More...
template<class T >
void line_tools_split_in_words (const std::string &arg, T &mots)
 read a std::string and split its contents into words More...
std::string line_tools_build_regex_for_exclude_mask (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &relative_part)
 builds a regex from root directory and user provided regex to be applied to the relative path More...
std::string line_tools_get_euid ()
 return a string containing the Effective UID
std::string line_tools_get_egid ()
 return a string containing the Effective UID
std::string line_tools_get_hostname ()
 return a string containing the hostname of the current host
std::string line_tools_get_date_utc ()
 return a string containing the current time (UTC)
void line_tools_merge_to_deque (std::deque< std::string > &a, const std::deque< std::string > &b)
 add in 'a', element of 'b' not already found in 'a'
std::deque< std::string > line_tools_substract_from_deque (const std::deque< std::string > &a, const std::deque< std::string > &b)
 remove from 'a' elements found in 'b' and return the resulting deque
delta_sig_block_size::fs_function_t line_tools_string_to_sig_block_size_function (const std::string &funname)
 converts string name to function More...
void line_tools_split_compression_algo (const char *arg, U_I base, compression &algo, U_I &level, U_I &block_size)


constexpr U_I LINE_TOOLS_SI_SUFFIX = 1000
constexpr U_I LINE_TOOLS_BIN_SUFFIX = 1024

Detailed Description

command-line interface

this module contains all the command-line specific routines, classes and datastructures. The intention of documenting that part is for illustration and example of libdar usage.

Typedef Documentation

◆ cli_callback

using cli_callback = S_I (*)(std::shared_ptr<user_interaction> & dialog, int, char *const [], const char **env)

Definition at line 73 of file dar_suite.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dirty_behavior

enum dirty_behavior

Definition at line 45 of file command_line.hpp.

◆ operation

enum operation

Definition at line 41 of file command_line.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ crit_action_canonize_string()

std::string crit_action_canonize_string ( const std::string &  argument)

canonizes a criterium description string

[in]argumentis a not canonized criterium description string
a canonized description string
criterium description strings when not canonized may include spaces tabs and carriage return for readability. Canonizing a criterium description string is to remove all these non significant characters.

◆ crit_action_create_from_string()

const libdar::crit_action * crit_action_create_from_string ( libdar::user_interaction dialog,
const std::string &  argument,
const libdar::infinint hourshift 

creates a criterium object as defined by the command line's given string

[in]dialogfor user interaction
[in]argumentis a canonized criterium argument
[in]hourshiftthe hourshift used to compare dates "more recent than"
a criterium object
this function is recursive, it may throw Erange exception in case of syntaxical error
second point, the returned object is dynamically allocated, this is the duty of the caller to release its memory calling the delete operator.

◆ dar_suite_global()

int dar_suite_global ( int  argc,
char *const  argv[],
const char **  env,
const char *  getopt_string,
char  stop_scan,
cli_callback  call 

common routine for all dar command-line tools to initialize environment and convert uncaught exceptions to exit status code

[in]argcis the number of argument on the command line
[in]argvis the list of arguments on the command line
[in]envis the environment variables table obtained from main()
[in]getopt_stringis the parsing string to pass to getopt
[in]stop_scanwhile looking early for -j and -Q option will ignore all that follows stop_scan option if met
[in]callis a callback function to run once user interaction is initialized and to catch from the exceptions
the application exist status to use

◆ line_tools_build_regex_for_exclude_mask()

std::string line_tools_build_regex_for_exclude_mask ( const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  relative_part 

builds a regex from root directory and user provided regex to be applied to the relative path

[in]prefixis the root portion of the path
[in]relative_partis the user provided regex to be applied to the relative path
the corresponding regex to be applied to full absolute path

◆ line_tools_check_basename()

void line_tools_check_basename ( user_interaction dialog,
const path loc,
std::string &  base,
const std::string &  extension,
bool  create 

does sanity checks on a slice name, check presence and detect whether the given basename is not rather a filename

[in,out]dialogfor user interaction
[in]locthe path where resides the slice
[in,out]basethe basename of the slice
[in]extensionthe extension of dar's slices
[in]createwhether this is a new archive that is about to be created by this name
if user accepted the change of slice name proposed by libdar through dialog the base argument is changed

◆ line_tools_check_min_digits()

void line_tools_check_min_digits ( user_interaction dialog,
const path loc,
const std::string &  base,
const std::string &  extension,
infinint num_digits 

if a slice number 1 is met with the provided basename, set the num_digits accordingly

[in,out]dialogfor user interaction
[in]locthe path where are expected the slices to be present
[in]basethe basename of the archive
[in]extensionthe extension of dar's slices
[in,out]num_digitsthe min width of slice number (0 padded numbers)

◆ line_tools_convert_date()

infinint line_tools_convert_date ( const std::string &  repres)

convert a human readable date representation in number of second since the system reference date

[in]represthe date's human representation
the corresponding number of seconds (computer time)
the string expected format is "[[[year/]month/]day-]hour:minute[:second]"

◆ line_tools_crypto_split_algo_pass()

void line_tools_crypto_split_algo_pass ( const secu_string all,
crypto_algo algo,
secu_string pass,
bool &  no_cipher_given,
std::vector< std::string > &  recipients 

split the argument to -K, -J and -$ in their different parts

[in]allis what the user provided on command-line
[out]algois the symmetrical algorithm to use
[out]passis either the passphrase
[out]no_cipher_givenis true if the use did not specified the cipher (which defaults to blowfish)
[out]recipientsemails recipients to use (empty list if gnupg has not to be used)

◆ line_tools_display_features()

void line_tools_display_features ( user_interaction dialog)

display the compilation time features of libdar

[in,out]dialogfor user interaction
this call uses the compile_time:: routines, and will not change its interface upon new feature addition

◆ line_tools_extract_basename()

void line_tools_extract_basename ( const char *  command_name,
std::string &  basename 

extracts the basename of a file (removing path part)

[in]command_nameis the full path of the file
[out]basenamethe basename of the file
Ememorycan be thrown if memory allocation failed

◆ line_tools_find_first_char_of()

std::string::iterator line_tools_find_first_char_of ( std::string &  s,
unsigned char  v 

give a pointer to the last character of the given value in the given string

[in]sis the given string
[in]vis the given char value
a interator on s, pointing on the first char of s equal to v or a pointing to s.end() if no such char could be found is "s"
the arguments are not modified neither the data they are pointing to. However the const statement has not been used to be able to return a iterator on the string (and not a const_interator). There is probably other ways to do that (using const_cast) for example

◆ line_tools_get_from_env()

const char * line_tools_get_from_env ( const char **  env,
const char *  clef 

isolate the value of a given variable from the environment vector

[in]envthe environment vector as retreived from the third argument of the main() function
[in]clefthe key or variable name too look for
nullptr if the key could not be found or a pointer to the env data giving the value of the requested key
the returned value must not be released by any mean as it is just a pointer to an system allocated memory (the env vector).

◆ line_tools_look_for()

void line_tools_look_for ( const std::deque< char > &  arguments,
S_I  argc,
char *const  argv[],
const char *  getopt_string,
char  stop_scan,
std::deque< char > &  presence 

test the presence of a set of argument on the command line

[in]argumentsis the list of options to look for
[in]argcis the number of argument on the command line
[in]argvis the list of arguments on the command line
[in]getopt_stringis the parsing string to pass to getopt
[in]stop_scanif this (char) option is met, stop scanning for wanted options
[out]presenceis a subset of arguments containing the option found on command-line

◆ line_tools_look_for_Q()

void line_tools_look_for_Q ( S_I  argc,
char *const  argv[],
const char *  getopt_string,
char  stop_scan,
bool &  Q_is_present 

test the presence of -Q and -j options on the command line

[in]argcis the number of argument on the command line
[in]argvis the list of arguments on the command line
[in]getopt_stringis the parsing string to pass to getopt
[in]stop_scanif this (char) option is met, stop scanning for -j and -Q options
[out]Q_is_presentis set to true if -Q option or its equivalent long option has been found on command-line

◆ line_tools_read_from_pipe()

void line_tools_read_from_pipe ( std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &  dialog,
S_I  fd,
tlv_list &  result 

Extract from anonymous pipe a tlv_list.

[in,out]dialogfor user interaction
[in]fdthe filedescriptor for the anonymous pipe's read extremity
[out]resultthe resulting tlv_list

◆ line_tools_read_range()

void line_tools_read_range ( const std::string &  s,
S_I &  min,
U_I &  max 

from a string with a range notation (min-max) extract the range values

[in]sthe string to parse
[out]minthe minimum value of the range
[out]maxthe maximum value of the range
Erangeis thrown is the string to parse is incorrect
: either a single number (positive or negative) is returned in min (max is set to min if min is positive or to zero if min is negative) or a range of positive numbers.

◆ line_tools_split()

template<class T >
void line_tools_split ( const std::string &  val,
char  sep,
T &  split 

split a line in words given the separator character (sep)

Definition at line 135 of file line_tools.hpp.

◆ line_tools_split_compression_algo()

void line_tools_split_compression_algo ( const char *  arg,
U_I  base,
compression algo,
U_I &  level,
U_I &  block_size 
arginput string to analyse
basebase value for number suffix
algoreturned compression algorithm
levelreturned compression level
block_sizereturned compression block size

◆ line_tools_split_entrepot_path()

bool line_tools_split_entrepot_path ( const std::string &  all,
std::string &  proto,
std::string &  login,
secu_string password,
std::string &  hostname,
std::string &  port,
std::string &  path_basename 

split a given full remote repository path in parts

[in]allis the argument to split in parts
[out]protois the protocol field
[out]loginis the login field (empty string is returned if not provided)
[out]passwordis the password field (empty string if not provided)
[out]hostnameis the hostname field
[out]portis the port field (empty string if not provided)
[out]path_basenameis the path+basename remaing field
false if the all argument does not follow the remote repository syntax

◆ line_tools_split_in_words() [1/2]

template<class T >
void line_tools_split_in_words ( const std::string &  arg,
T &  mots 

read a std::string and split its contents into words

[in]argis the string to read
[out]motsa std container to receive the split result
The different quotes are taken into account

Definition at line 412 of file line_tools.hpp.

References line_tools_split_in_words(), libdar::memory_file::skip(), and libdar::generic_file::write().

◆ line_tools_split_in_words() [2/2]

template<class T >
void line_tools_split_in_words ( generic_file f,
T &  mots 

read a file and split its contents into words

[in,out]fis the file to read
[out]motsstd container to receive the split result
The different quotes are taken into account

Definition at line 310 of file line_tools.hpp.

References libdar::dar_gettext(), libdar::generic_file::read(), and libdar::tools_printf().

Referenced by line_tools_split_in_words().

◆ line_tools_split_path_basename() [1/2]

void line_tools_split_path_basename ( const char *  all,
path *&  chemin,
std::string &  base 

split a given full path in path part and basename part

[in]allis the path to split
[out]cheminis the resulting path part, it points to a newly allocated path object
[out]baseis the resulting basename
chemin argument must be release by the caller thanks to the "delete" operator.

◆ line_tools_split_path_basename() [2/2]

void line_tools_split_path_basename ( const std::string &  all,
std::string &  chemin,
std::string &  base 

split a given full path in path part and basename part

[in]allis the path to split
[out]cheminis the resulting path part, it points to a newly allocated path object
[out]baseis the resulting basename
chemin argument must be release by the caller thanks to the "delete" operator.

◆ line_tools_str2signed_int()

S_I line_tools_str2signed_int ( const std::string &  x)

convert a signed integer written in decimal notation to the corresponding value

[in]xthe decimal representation of the integer
the value corresponding to the decimal representation given

◆ line_tools_string_to_sig_block_size_function()

delta_sig_block_size::fs_function_t line_tools_string_to_sig_block_size_function ( const std::string &  funname)

converts string name to function

throws Erange in case of error

Variable Documentation


constexpr U_I LINE_TOOLS_BIN_SUFFIX = 1024

Definition at line 45 of file line_tools.hpp.


constexpr U_I LINE_TOOLS_SI_SUFFIX = 1000

Definition at line 44 of file line_tools.hpp.