39#include "../my_config.h"
112 static void cancel(pthread_t tid,
bool x_immediate, U_64 x_flag);
118 static bool cancel_status(pthread_t tid);
124 static bool clear_pending_request(pthread_t tid);
134 static void associate_tid_to_tid(pthread_t src, pthread_t dst);
140 static void remove_association_for_tid(pthread_t src);
145 static void remove_association_targeted_at(pthread_t dst);
148 static void dead_thread(pthread_t tid);
181 static pthread_mutex_t access;
182 static std::list<thread_cancellation *> info;
183 static std::list<fields> preborn;
184 static std::multimap<pthread_t, pthread_t> thread_asso;
187 static void set_cancellation_in_info_for(pthread_t tid,
194 static void add_to_preborn(pthread_t tid,
bool x_immediate, U_64 x_flag);
195 static void remove_from_preborn(pthread_t tid,
bool & found,
bool & prev);
196 static void find_asso_tid_with(pthread_t tid,
197 std::multimap<pthread_t, pthread_t>::iterator & begin,
198 std::multimap<pthread_t, pthread_t>::iterator & end);
class to be used as parent to provide checkpoints to inherited classes
static U_I count()
method for debugging/control purposes
thread_cancellation(thread_cancellation &&ref) noexcept=default
move constructor
virtual ~thread_cancellation() noexcept(false)
the destructor
thread_cancellation(const thread_cancellation &ref)=default
copy constructor
void block_delayed_cancellation(bool mode)
thread_cancellation & operator=(const thread_cancellation &ref)=default
assignment operator
the constructor
void check_self_cancellation() const
Checkpoint test : whether the current libdar call must abort or not.
contains all the excetion class thrown by libdar
are defined here basic integer types that tend to be portable
libdar namespace encapsulate all libdar symbols