29#include "../my_config.h"
63 mem_ui(
const std::shared_ptr<user_interaction> & dialog);
97 std::shared_ptr<user_interaction>
const {
return ui; };
100 std::shared_ptr<user_interaction> ui;
class mem_ui to keep a copy of a user_interaction object
mem_ui & operator=(const mem_ui &ref)=default
assignement operator
std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > get_pointer() const
get access to the shared_ptr pointing to the user_interaction
mem_ui(const std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog)
virtual ~mem_ui() noexcept(false)
mem_ui(const mem_ui &ref)=default
the copy constructor
user_interaction & get_ui() const
get access to the user_interaction object
mem_ui(mem_ui &&ref) noexcept=default
the move constructor
This is a pure virtual class that is used by libdar when interaction with the user is required.
libdar namespace encapsulate all libdar symbols
defines the interaction interface between libdar and users.