Disk ARchive 2.7.16
Full featured and portable backup and archiving tool
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// dar - disk archive - a backup/restoration program
3// Copyright (C) 2002-2024 Denis Corbin
5// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13// GNU General Public License for more details.
15// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19// to contact the author, see the AUTHOR file
27#ifndef LIST_ENTRY_HPP
28#define LIST_ENTRY_HPP
30#include <string>
31#include <set>
33#include "../my_config.h"
34#include "infinint.hpp"
35#include "deci.hpp"
36#include "compression.hpp"
37#include "integers.hpp"
38#include "datetime.hpp"
39#include "range.hpp"
40#include "cat_status.hpp"
41#include "ea.hpp"
42#include "fsa_family.hpp"
44namespace libdar
50 class crc;
60 {
61 public:
62 list_entry() { clear(); };
63 list_entry(const list_entry & ref) = default;
64 list_entry(list_entry && ref) = default;
65 list_entry & operator = (const list_entry & ref) = default;
66 list_entry & operator = (list_entry && ref) noexcept = default;
67 ~list_entry() = default;
74 bool is_eod() const { return type == 'z'; };
76 // methods for API users
77 // field that are not set are returned as empty string
79 const std::string & get_name() const { return my_name; };
80 unsigned char get_type() const { return type; };
81 bool is_dir() const { return type == 'd'; };
82 bool is_file() const { return type == 'f'; };
83 bool is_symlink() const { return type == 'l'; };
84 bool is_char_device() const { return type == 'c'; };
85 bool is_block_device() const { return type == 'b'; };
86 bool is_unix_socket() const { return type == 's'; };
87 bool is_named_pipe() const { return type == 'p'; };
88 bool is_hard_linked() const { return hard_link; };
89 bool is_removed_entry() const { return type == 'x'; };
90 bool is_door_inode() const { return type == 'o'; };
91 bool is_empty_dir() const { return empty_dir; };
93 unsigned char get_removed_type() const;
95 bool has_data_present_in_the_archive() const { return data_status == saved_status::saved || data_status == saved_status::delta; };
96 std::string get_data_flag() const;
97 saved_status get_data_status() const { return data_status; };
99 bool has_EA() const { return ea_status != ea_saved_status::none && ea_status != ea_saved_status::removed; };
100 bool has_EA_saved_in_the_archive() const { return ea_status == ea_saved_status::full; };
101 std::string get_ea_flag() const;
102 ea_saved_status get_ea_status() const { return ea_status; };
104 bool has_FSA() const { return fsa_status != fsa_saved_status::none; };
105 bool has_FSA_saved_in_the_archive() const { return fsa_status == fsa_saved_status::full; };
106 std::string get_fsa_flag() const;
108 std::string get_uid(bool try_resolving_name = false) const;
109 std::string get_gid(bool try_resolving_name = false) const;
110 std::string get_perm() const;
111 std::string get_last_access() const;
112 std::string get_last_modif() const;
113 std::string get_last_change() const;
114 std::string get_removal_date() const;
115 time_t get_last_access_s() const { return datetime2time_t(last_access); };
116 time_t get_last_modif_s() const;
117 time_t get_last_change_s() const { return datetime2time_t(last_change); };
118 time_t get_removal_date_s() const;
125 void get_last_access(datetime::time_unit tu, time_t & second, time_t & fraction) const
126 { last_access.get_value(second, fraction, tu); }
129 void get_last_modif(datetime::time_unit tu, time_t & second, time_t & fraction) const
130 { last_modif.get_value(second, fraction, tu); }
133 void get_last_change(datetime::time_unit tu, time_t & second, time_t & fraction) const
134 { last_change.get_value(second, fraction, tu); }
136 std::string get_file_size(bool size_in_bytes = true) const;
137 std::string get_compression_ratio() const;
138 std::string get_compression_ratio_flag() const;
139 bool is_sparse() const { return sparse_file; };
140 std::string get_sparse_flag() const { return sparse_file ? "[X]" : "[ ]"; };
141 std::string get_compression_algo() const { return compression2string(compression_algo); };
142 bool is_dirty() const { return dirty; };
143 std::string get_link_target() const { return target; };
144 std::string get_major() const;
145 std::string get_minor() const;
152 const range & get_slices() const { return slices; };
153 bool has_delta_signature() const { return delta_sig; };
154 std::string get_delta_flag() const;
168 bool get_archive_offset_for_data(infinint & val) const { val = offset_for_data; return !val.is_zero(); };
169 bool get_archive_offset_for_data(U_64 & val) const;
170 std::string get_archive_offset_for_data() const { return offset_for_data.is_zero() ? "" : deci(offset_for_data).human(); };
176 bool get_storage_size_for_data(infinint & val) const { val = storage_size_for_data; return !val.is_zero(); };
177 bool get_storage_size_for_data(U_64 & val) const;
178 std::string get_storage_size_for_data(bool size_in_bytes = true) const;
185 bool get_archive_offset_for_EA(infinint & val) const { val = offset_for_EA; return !val.is_zero(); };
186 bool get_archive_offset_for_EA(U_64 & val) const;
187 std::string get_archive_offset_for_EA() const { return offset_for_EA.is_zero() ? "" : deci(offset_for_EA).human(); };
190 bool get_storage_size_for_EA(infinint & val) const { val = storage_size_for_EA; return !val.is_zero(); };
191 bool get_storage_size_for_EA(U_64 & val) const;
192 std::string get_storage_size_for_EA() const { return storage_size_for_EA.is_zero() ? "" : deci(storage_size_for_EA).human(); };
199 bool get_archive_offset_for_FSA(infinint & val) const { val = offset_for_FSA; return !val.is_zero(); };
200 bool get_archive_offset_for_FSA(U_64 & val) const;
201 std::string get_archive_offset_for_FSA() const { return offset_for_FSA.is_zero() ? "" : deci(offset_for_FSA).human(); };
204 bool get_storage_size_for_FSA(infinint & val) const { val = storage_size_for_FSA; return !val.is_zero(); };
205 bool get_storage_size_for_FSA(U_64 & val) const;
206 std::string get_storage_size_for_FSA() const { return storage_size_for_FSA.is_zero() ? "" : deci(storage_size_for_FSA).human(); };
211 void get_ea_reset_read() const { it_ea = ea.begin(); };
220 bool get_ea_read_next(std::string & key) const;
222 std::string get_etiquette() const { return deci(etiquette).human(); };
224 fsa_scope get_fsa_scope() const { return fsa_sc; };
226 std::string get_data_crc() const { return data_crc; };
227 std::string get_delta_patch_base_crc() const { return patch_base_crc; };
228 std::string get_delta_patch_result_crc() const { return patch_result_crc; };
230 // methods for libdar to setup the object
232 void set_name(const std::string & val) { my_name = val; };
233 void set_type(unsigned char val) { type = val; };
234 void set_removed_type(unsigned char val);
235 void set_hard_link(bool val) { hard_link = val; };
236 void set_uid(const infinint & val) { uid = val; };
237 void set_gid(const infinint & val) { gid = val; };
238 void set_perm(U_16 val) { perm = val; };
239 void set_last_access(const datetime & val) { last_access = val; };
240 void set_last_modif(const datetime & val) { last_modif = val; };
241 void set_removal_date(const datetime & val);
242 void set_saved_status(saved_status val) { data_status = val; };
243 void set_ea_status(ea_saved_status val) { ea_status = val; };
244 void set_last_change(const datetime & val) { last_change = val; };
245 void set_fsa_status(fsa_saved_status val) { fsa_status = val; };
246 void set_file_size(const infinint & val) { file_size = val; };
247 void set_is_sparse_file(bool val) { sparse_file = val; };
248 void set_compression_algo(compression val) { compression_algo = val; };
249 void set_dirtiness(bool val) { dirty = val; };
250 void set_link_target(const std::string & val) { target = val; };
251 void set_major(int val) { major = val; };
252 void set_minor(int val) { minor = val; };
253 void set_slices(const range & sl) { slices = sl; };
254 void set_delta_sig(bool val) { delta_sig = val; };
255 void set_archive_offset_for_data(const infinint & val) { offset_for_data = val; };
256 void set_storage_size_for_data(const infinint & val) { storage_size_for_data = val; };
257 void set_archive_offset_for_EA(const infinint & val) { offset_for_EA = val; };
258 void set_storage_size_for_EA(const infinint & val) { storage_size_for_EA = val; };
259 void set_archive_offset_for_FSA(const infinint & val) { offset_for_FSA = val; };
260 void set_storage_size_for_FSA(const infinint & val) { storage_size_for_FSA = val; };
261 void set_ea(const ea_attributs & arg);
262 void set_etiquette(const infinint & arg) { etiquette = arg; };
263 void set_fsa_scope(const fsa_scope & arg) { fsa_sc = arg; };
264 void set_data_crc(const crc & ptr);
265 void set_delta_patch_base_crc(const crc & ptr);
266 void set_delta_patch_result_crc(const crc & ptr);
267 void set_empty_dir(bool val) { if(!is_dir()) throw SRC_BUG; empty_dir = val; };
269 void clear();
271 private:
272 std::string my_name;
273 bool hard_link;
274 unsigned char type;
275 infinint uid;
276 infinint gid;
277 U_16 perm;
278 datetime last_access;
280 saved_status data_status;
281 ea_saved_status ea_status;
282 datetime last_change;
283 fsa_saved_status fsa_status;
284 fsa_scope fsa_sc;
285 infinint file_size;
286 bool sparse_file;
287 compression compression_algo;
288 bool dirty;
289 std::string target;
290 int major;
291 int minor;
292 range slices;
293 bool delta_sig;
294 infinint offset_for_data;
295 infinint storage_size_for_data;
296 infinint offset_for_EA;
297 infinint storage_size_for_EA;
298 infinint offset_for_FSA;
299 infinint storage_size_for_FSA;
300 std::deque<std::string> ea;
301 mutable std::deque<std::string>::const_iterator it_ea;
303 std::string data_crc;
304 std::string patch_base_crc;
305 std::string patch_result_crc;
306 bool empty_dir;
308 static time_t datetime2time_t(const datetime & val);
309 };
313} // end of namespace
the different status of data and EA
stores time information
Definition: datetime.hpp:59
bool get_value(time_t &second, time_t &subsecond, time_unit unit) const
return a time as time_t arguments
decimal class, convert infinint from and to decimal represention
Definition: deci.hpp:51
std::string human() const
this produce a string from the decimal stored in the current object
the arbitrary large positive integer class
Definition: list_entry.hpp:60
bool get_archive_offset_for_FSA(infinint &val) const
offset in byte where to find the first byte of Filesystem Specific Attributes
Definition: list_entry.hpp:199
void get_last_modif(datetime::time_unit tu, time_t &second, time_t &fraction) const
yet an alternative method to get the last modification date (see get_last_access() for details)
Definition: list_entry.hpp:129
bool get_storage_size_for_data(infinint &val) const
amount of byte used to store the file's data
Definition: list_entry.hpp:176
void get_ea_reset_read() const
reset the reading of Extended Attributes names
Definition: list_entry.hpp:211
void get_last_access(datetime::time_unit tu, time_t &second, time_t &fraction) const
yet an alternative method to get last access time
Definition: list_entry.hpp:125
std::string get_removal_date() const
for removed_entry only
void get_last_change(datetime::time_unit tu, time_t &second, time_t &fraction) const
yet an alternative method to get the last change date (see get_last_access() for details)
Definition: list_entry.hpp:133
fsa_scope get_fsa_scope() const
this is the hard-link ID, only valid for hard linked entries
Definition: list_entry.hpp:224
bool is_eod() const
method used to know whether the returned entry signals a End of Directory
Definition: list_entry.hpp:74
datetime last_modif
also used to store removal_date for removed entries
Definition: list_entry.hpp:279
infinint etiquette
hard link identification
Definition: list_entry.hpp:302
std::string target
target[0] used to store signature of removed entry for removed entries
Definition: list_entry.hpp:289
bool get_storage_size_for_EA(infinint &val) const
amount of byte used to store the file's EA
Definition: list_entry.hpp:190
unsigned char get_removed_type() const
valid only for removed_entries
bool get_ea_read_next(std::string &key) const
read the next Extended Attribute name
bool get_storage_size_for_FSA(infinint &val) const
amount of byte used to store the file's FSA
Definition: list_entry.hpp:204
const range & get_slices() const
provides slice information
Definition: list_entry.hpp:152
time_t get_removal_date_s() const
for removed_entry only
bool get_archive_offset_for_EA(infinint &val) const
offset in byte whert to find the first byte of Extended Attributes
Definition: list_entry.hpp:185
bool get_archive_offset_for_data(infinint &val) const
offset in byte where to find first byte of data
Definition: list_entry.hpp:168
stores a range of integers or a set of ranges
Definition: range.hpp:44
compression parameters for API
this file contains the definition of class datetime that stores unix times in a portable way
manages the decimal representation of infinint
contains a set of routines to manage EA values associated to a file
filesystem specific attributes available families and fsa_scope definition
std::string compression2string(compression c)
convert a compression to its string representation
std::set< fsa_family > fsa_scope
set of fsa families
Definition: fsa_family.hpp:70
the different compression algorithm available
Definition: compression.hpp:46
bool is_zero() const
FSA saved status for an entry.
Definition: cat_status.hpp:74
data saved status for an entry
Definition: cat_status.hpp:45
EA saved status for an entry.
Definition: cat_status.hpp:56
@ saved
inode is saved in the archive
@ delta
inode is saved but as delta binary from the content (delta signature) of what was found in the archiv...
@ none
no EA present for this inode in filesystem
@ removed
EA were present in the reference version, but not present anymore.
@ full
EA present in filesystem and attached to this inode.
switch module to limitint (32 ou 64 bits integers) or infinint
are defined here basic integer types that tend to be portable
libdar namespace encapsulate all libdar symbols
Definition: archive.hpp:47
class than provide a way to manipulate and represent range of integer numbers (infinint)