►Clibdar::archive | Archive class realizes the most general operations on archives |
Clibdar5::archive | Archive class realizes the most general operations on archives |
Clibdar::database::i_database::archive_data | Holds the archive used to create the database |
Clibdar::archive_num | Class archive_num stores the position of an archive inside a dar_manager database |
Clibdar::archive_options_create | Class holding optional parameters used to create an archive |
Clibdar::archive_options_extract | Class holding optional parameters used to extract files from an existing archive |
Clibdar::archive_options_isolate | Class holding optional parameters used to isolate an existing archive |
►Clibdar::archive_options_listing | Class holding optional parameters used to list the contents of an existing archive |
Clibdar::archive_options_listing_shell | Class holding optional shell specific parameters used to list the contents of an existing archive |
Clibdar::archive_options_merge | Class holding optional parameters used to proceed to the merge operation |
Clibdar::archive_options_read | Class holding optional parameters used to read an existing archive |
Clibdar::archive_options_repair | Class holding optional parameters used to create an archive |
Clibdar::archive_options_test | Class holding optional parameters used to test the structure coherence of an existing archive |
Clibdar::archive_summary | Archive_summary class provides information about a given archive |
Clibdar::archive_version | Class archive_version manages the version of the archive format |
Clibdar::cat_etoile::bool_tags | Bitfield used to record pointed to inode information |
Clibdar::candidates | Helper class for data_tree |
Clibdar::cat_delta_signature | Cat_delta_signature file class |
►Clibdar::cat_entree | Root class from all other inherite for any entry in the catalogue |
Clibdar::cat_eod | End of Directory entry class |
►Clibdar::cat_nomme | Base class for all entry that have a name |
Clibdar::cat_detruit | Deleted file entry |
Clibdar::cat_ignored | Present file to ignore (not to be recorded as deleted later) |
►Clibdar::cat_inode | Root class for all cat_inode |
►Clibdar::cat_device | Special cat_device root class |
Clibdar::cat_blockdev | Block device class |
Clibdar::cat_chardev | Char device class |
Clibdar::cat_directory | Cat_directory inode class |
►Clibdar::cat_file | Plain file class |
Clibdar::cat_door | Class for Door IPC (mainly for Solaris) |
Clibdar::cat_ignored_dir | Ignored cat_directory class, to be promoted later as empty cat_directory if needed |
Clibdar::cat_lien | Symbolic link inode class |
Clibdar::cat_prise | Unix socket inode class |
Clibdar::cat_tube | Named pipe class |
Clibdar::cat_mirage | Hard link implementation, cat_mirage is the named entry owned by a directory it points to a common "cat_etoile class" |
Clibdar::cat_etoile | Hard link implementation |
Clibdar::cat_signature | Class cat_signature combines the cat_entree::signature() of the object with its saved_status and read and store this combinason |
Clibdar::compress_block_header | Block header structure used for storing compressed blocks |
►Clibdar::contextual | Contextual class adds the information of phases in the generic_file |
Clibdar::sar | Sar class stands for Segmentation And Reassembly class |
Clibdar::trivial_sar | |
Clibdar::trontextual | Trontextual class is a contextual class tronc, that's all |
Clibdar::zapette | Zapette emulate a file that is remotely controlled by slave_zapette |
►Clibdar::crc | Pure virtual class defining interface of a CRC object |
Clibdar::crc_i | Crc implementation based on infinint |
Clibdar::crc_n | Crc implementation based on U_I |
►Clibdar::crit_action | Global action for overwriting |
Clibdar::crit_chain | Crit_chain class sequences crit_actions up to full definition of the action |
Clibdar::crit_constant_action | Basic constant action |
Clibdar::testing | Testing class binds criterium to actions |
►Clibdar::criterium | Generic criterium class, parent of all criterium |
Clibdar::crit_and | Realises the AND operator |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_EA_more_recent | Returns true if the EA of the first entry is more recent or equal to the one of the second entry |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_EA_more_recent_or_equal_to | Returns true if the EA of the first entry is more recent or equal to the fixed date given in argument to the constructor |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_EA_present | |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_EA_saved | Returns true if the in place entry has its EA saved (not just marked as saved) in the archve of reference |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_data_bigger | Returns true if the data of the first entry is bigger or equal to the one of the second entry |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_data_dirty | Return true if the entry is a dirty file (or hard linked dirty file) |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_data_more_recent | Returns true if the data of the first entry is more recent or of the same date of the one of the second entry |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_data_more_recent_or_equal_to | If the in_place entry is not an inode its date is considered equal to zero. Comparison is done on mtime |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_data_saved | If the entry is not an inode the result is also true |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_data_sparse | Return true if the entry is a sparse file (or hard linked sparse file) |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_has_delta_sig | Return true if the entry has delta signature |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_is_dir | Returns true if the first entry is a cat_directory (whatever is the second) |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_is_file | Returns true if the first entry is a plain file (whatever is the second) |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_is_hardlinked_inode | Returns true if the first entry is a inode with several hard links (whatever is the second entry) |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_is_inode | Returns true if the first entry is an inode (whatever is the second) |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_is_new_hardlinked_inode | |
►Clibdar::crit_in_place_more_EA | Returns true if the first entry has more or even EA (in number not in size) than the second entry |
Clibdar::crit_in_place_EA_bigger | Returns true if the space used by EA of the first entry is greater or equal to the space used by the EA of the second entry (no EA means 0 byte for EA storage) |
Clibdar::crit_not | Realises the negation of the criterium given in argument to its constructor |
Clibdar::crit_same_inode_data | Returns true if both inputs are inode of the same type (file/pipe/device/...) and share inode information |
Clibdar::crit_same_type | Returns true if the two entries are of the same type (plain-file/char dev/block dev/named pipe/symlink/directory/unix socket) |
Clibdar::crypto_sym | Symetrical strong encryption, interface to grypt library |
►Clibdar::data_tree | Data_tree class stores presence of a given file in a set of archives |
Clibdar::data_dir | Data_dir class inherits from data_tree and holds the directory tree's parent relationship |
►Clibdar::database | Database class defines the dar_manager database |
Clibdar5::database | Database class defines the dar_manager database |
Clibdar::database_add_options | Options to add an archive to base |
Clibdar::database_archives | Datastructure managing a member of the list of archives used by a database |
Clibdar::database_change_basename_options | Options for changing a given archive's basename |
Clibdar::database_change_path_options | Options for changing a given archive's path |
Clibdar::database_dump_options | Options to write a database to file |
Clibdar::database_open_options | Options to open a database |
Clibdar::database_remove_options | Options to remove an archive from the base |
Clibdar::database_restore_options | Options for restoration from database |
Clibdar::database_used_options | Options for file "used" in archive |
Clibdar::datetime | Stores time information |
Clibdar::deci | Decimal class, convert infinint from and to decimal represention |
Clibdar::defile | Defile class keep trace of the real path of files while the flow in the filter routines |
Clibdar::delta_sig_block_size | Defines how to calculate delta signature block size based of file size to delta sign |
Clibdar::ea_attributs | Class ea_attributs manages the set of EA that can be associated to an inode |
►Clibdar::Egeneric | This is the parent class of all exception classes |
Clibdar::Ebug | Exception used to signal a bug. A bug is triggered when reaching some code that should never be reached |
Clibdar::Ecompilation | Exception used when a requested fearture has not beed activated at compilation time |
Clibdar::Edata | Exception used when an error concerning the treated data has been met |
Clibdar::Edeci | Exception used to signal convertion problem between infinint and string (decimal representation) |
Clibdar::Efeature | Exception used when a requested feature is not (yet) implemented |
Clibdar::Ehardware | Exception used when hardware problem is found |
Clibdar::Einfinint | Exception used when arithmetic error is detected when operating on infinint |
Clibdar::Elibcall | Exception used to signal an error in the argument given to libdar call of the API |
Clibdar::Elimitint | Exception used when a limitint overflow is detected, the maximum value of the limitint has been exceeded |
►Clibdar::Ememory | Exception used when memory has been exhausted |
Clibdar::Esecu_memory | Exception used when secure memory has been exhausted |
Clibdar::Enet_auth | Exception used to report authentication error |
Clibdar::Erange | Exception used to signal range error |
Clibdar::Escript | Exception used when error the inter-slice user command returned an error code |
Clibdar::Esystem | Exception used to carry system error |
►Clibdar::Ethread_cancel | Exception used when the thread libdar is running in is asked to stop |
Clibdar::Ethread_cancel_with_attr | Ethread_cancel with infinint attribute |
Clibdar::Euser_abort | Exception used to signal that the user has aborted the operation |
Clibdar::elastic | Elastic buffer class |
Cent_params | Entrepot relative parameters |
Clibdar::entree_stats | Holds the statistics contents of a catalogue |
►Clibdar::entrepot | Entrepot interface |
Clibdar::entrepot_libcurl | For managing archive into a remote repository |
Clibdar::entrepot_local | |
Clibdar::etage | Etage structure keep trace of directory contents |
►Clibdar::filesystem_specific_attribute | Filesystem Specific Attributes (FSA) class |
Clibdar::fsa_infinint | Fsa based on integer |
Clibdar::fsa_time | Fsa based on time |
Clibdar::filesystem_specific_attribute_list | Interface to fileystem for FSA |
Clibdar::generic_file_overlay_for_gpgme | Generic_file interface for for gpgme |
Clibdar::header | This class manages the header of each slice |
Clibdar::header_flags | Manages the flag field used for now in the archive header |
Clibdar::header_version | Manages the archive header and trailer |
Clibdar::heap< T > | Class heap is nothing related to the common heap datastructure this is just a "heap" in the sense of a pool of preallocated objects |
Clibdar::heap< crypto_segment > | |
Clibdar::infinint | Arbitrary large positive integer class |
Clibdar::label | Manage label data structure used in archive slice headers |
Clibdar::libdar_slave | Class implementing the dar_slave feature |
Clibdar::libdar_xform | Class implementing the dar_xform feature |
Clibdar::limitint< B > | |
Cline_param | All parameters retreived from command-line |
Clibdar::list_entry | |
►Clibdar::mask | Generic class, parent of all masks |
Clibdar::bool_mask | Boolean mask, either always true or false |
►Clibdar::et_mask | Makes an AND operator between two or more masks |
Clibdar::ou_mask | Makes the OR operator between two or more masks |
Clibdar::exclude_dir_mask | Matches if string is the given constructor string or a sub directory of it |
Clibdar::mask_list | Mask_list class, matches string that are present in a given file |
Clibdar::not_mask | Negation of another mask |
Clibdar::regular_mask | Matches regular expressions (see "man 7 regex") |
Clibdar::same_path_mask | Matches if string is exactly the given mask (no wilde card expression) |
Clibdar::simple_mask | Matches as done on shell command lines (see "man 7 glob") |
Clibdar::simple_path_mask | String matches if it is subdir of mask or mask is a subdir of expression |
►Clibdar::mem_ui | Class mem_ui to keep a copy of a user_interaction object |
Clibdar::archive::i_archive | Archive::i_archive class implements the most general operations on archives |
Clibdar::catalogue | Catalogue class which gather all objects contained in a give archive |
Clibdar::crypto_asym | Asymetric ciphering |
Clibdar::database::i_database | Class i_database is the implementation of class database |
►Clibdar::fichier_global | Abstraction of filesystem files for entrepot |
Clibdar::cache_global | Cache_global cache is an adaptation of the cache class to the fichier_global interface |
Clibdar::fichier_local | Filesystem local files |
Clibdar::generic_to_global_file | Fichier_global interface for any type of generic_file |
Clibdar::hash_fichier | Manages the generation of a hash |
Clibdar::tuyau_global | Tuyau_global provides skip()/get_position() features on top of pipe-like object |
►Clibdar::filesystem_hard_link_read | Keep trace of hard links when reading the filesystem |
Clibdar::filesystem_backup | Makes a flow sequence of inode to feed the backup filtering routing |
Clibdar::filesystem_diff | Make a flow of inode to feed the difference filter routine |
Clibdar::filesystem_restore | Receive the flow of inode from the restoration filtering routing and promotes these to real filesystem objects |
►Clibdar::filesystem_hard_link_write | Keep trace of already written inodes to restore hard links |
Clibdar::filesystem_restore | Receive the flow of inode from the restoration filtering routing and promotes these to real filesystem objects |
Clibdar::libdar_xform::i_libdar_xform | Class implementing the dar_xform feature |
Clibdar::sar | Sar class stands for Segmentation And Reassembly class |
Clibdar::semaphore | Class semaphore |
Clibdar::trivial_sar | |
Clibdar::tuyau | Pipe implementation under the generic_file interface |
Clibdar::zapette | Zapette emulate a file that is remotely controlled by slave_zapette |
►Clibdar::mycurl_param_element_generic | Ancestor class of etherogeneous list/map |
Clibdar::mycurl_param_element< T > | Implemented inherited classes of the abstracted class for etherogeneous list/map |
Clibdar::mycurl_param_list | |
Clibdar::path | Class path is here to manipulate paths in the Unix notation: using'/' |
►Clibdar::proto_generic_file | Ancestor class of generic_file |
►Clibdar::generic_file | This is the interface class from which all other data transfer classes inherit |
Clibdar::cache | Cache class implements a fixed length read/write caching mechanism |
Clibdar::fichier_global | Abstraction of filesystem files for entrepot |
Clibdar::generic_rsync | Generic_file interface to librsync |
►Clibdar::memory_file | Generic_file stored in memory |
Clibdar::tlv | |
Clibdar::null_file | Null_file class implements the /dev/null behavior |
Clibdar::pile | Stores a stack of generic_files writing/reading on each others |
Clibdar::sar | Sar class stands for Segmentation And Reassembly class |
Clibdar::scrambler | Scrambler is a very weak encryption scheme |
Clibdar::trivial_sar | |
►Clibdar::tronc | Makes a segment of a generic_file appear like a real generic_file |
Clibdar::trontextual | Trontextual class is a contextual class tronc, that's all |
Clibdar::tuyau | Pipe implementation under the generic_file interface |
Clibdar::zapette | Zapette emulate a file that is remotely controlled by slave_zapette |
Clibdar::range | Stores a range of integers or a set of ranges |
Clibdar::secu_string | Class secu_string |
Clibdar::signator | Signator status |
Clibdar::slave_zapette | This class answers to order given by a zapette object |
Clibdar::smart_node< T > | Class which holds the address of the allocated memory for many smart_pointers |
Clibdar::smart_node< pile_descriptor > | |
Clibdar::smart_pointer< T > | Smart pointer class to be used to automagically manage multiple time pointed to address |
Clibdar::smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > | |
Clibdar::statistics | Class used by libdar::archive class to give a summary of treated file during and after an operation |
Clibdar::storage | Arbitrary large storage structure |
Clibdar::terminateur | Terminateur class indicates the location of the beginning of the catalogue |
►Clibdar::thread_cancellation | Class to be used as parent to provide checkpoints to inherited classes |
Clibdar::fichier_global | Abstraction of filesystem files for entrepot |
Clibdar::null_file | Null_file class implements the /dev/null behavior |
Clibdar::tuyau | Pipe implementation under the generic_file interface |
►Clibdar::user_interaction | This is a pure virtual class that is used by libdar when interaction with the user is required |
►Clibdar5::user_interaction | This is a pure virtual class that is used by libdar when interaction with the user is required |
Clibdar5::user_interaction_callback | Full implemented class for user_interaction based on callback functions |
Clibdar::user_interaction_blind | Full implementation class for user_interaction, which shows nothing and assumes answer "no" to any question |
Clibdar::user_interaction_callback | Full implemented class for user_interaction based on callback functions |
Clibdar::wrapperlib | This class encapsulates calls to libz or libbz2 |