Disk ARchive 2.7.16
Full featured and portable backup and archiving tool
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libdar::cat_file Class Reference

the plain file class More...

#include <cat_file.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for libdar::cat_file:
+ Collaboration diagram for libdar::cat_file:

Public Types

enum  get_data_mode { keep_compressed , keep_hole , normal , plain }
 how to get data from archive More...

Public Member Functions

 cat_file (const infinint &xuid, const infinint &xgid, U_16 xperm, const datetime &last_access, const datetime &last_modif, const datetime &last_change, const std::string &src, const path &che, const infinint &taille, const infinint &fs_device, bool x_furtive_read_mode)
 cat_file (const std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, const smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > &pdesc, const archive_version &reading_ver, saved_status saved, compression default_algo, bool small)
 cat_file (const cat_file &ref)
 cat_file (cat_file &&ref)=delete
cat_fileoperator= (const cat_file &ref)=delete
cat_fileoperator= (cat_file &&ref)=delete
virtual bool has_changed_since (const cat_inode &ref, const infinint &hourshift, comparison_fields what_to_check) const override
infinint get_size () const
void change_size (const infinint &s) const
infinint get_storage_size () const
void set_storage_size (const infinint &s)
bool can_get_data () const
 check whether the object will be able to provide a object using get_data() method More...
virtual generic_fileget_data (get_data_mode mode, std::shared_ptr< memory_file > delta_sig_mem, U_I signature_block_size, std::shared_ptr< memory_file > delta_ref, const crc **checksum=nullptr) const
 returns a newly allocated object in read_only mode More...
void clean_data ()
void set_offset (const infinint &r)
const infinintget_offset () const
virtual unsigned char signature () const override
 inherited class signature More...
virtual std::string get_description () const override
 inherited class designation More...
void set_crc (const crc &c)
bool get_crc (const crc *&c) const
 the argument is set the an allocated crc object the owned by the "cat_file" object, its stay valid while this "cat_file" object exists and MUST NOT be deleted by the caller in any case
bool has_crc () const
bool get_crc_size (infinint &val) const
 returns true if crc is know and puts its width in argument
void drop_crc ()
void set_sparse_file_detection_read (bool val)
void set_sparse_file_detection_write (bool val)
bool get_sparse_file_detection_read () const
bool get_sparse_file_detection_write () const
virtual cat_entreeclone () const override
 a way to copy the exact type of an object even if pointed to by a parent class pointer More...
compression get_compression_algo_read () const
compression get_compression_algo_write () const
void change_compression_algo_write (compression x)
bool is_dirty () const
void set_dirty (bool value)
bool has_delta_signature_structure () const
 return whether the object has an associated delta signature structure More...
bool has_delta_signature_available () const
 return whether the object has an associated delta signature structure including a delta signature data (not just CRC) More...
bool has_patch_base_crc () const
 returns whether the object has a base patch CRC (s_delta status objects)
bool get_patch_base_crc (const crc *&c) const
 returns the CRC of the file to base the patch on, for s_delta objects
void set_patch_base_crc (const crc &c)
 set the reference CRC of the file to base the patch on, for s_detla objects
bool has_patch_result_crc () const
 returns whether the object has a CRC corresponding to data (for s_saved, s_delta, and when delta signature is present)
bool get_patch_result_crc (const crc *&c) const
 returns the CRC the file will have once restored or patched (for s_saved, s_delta, and when delta signature is present)
void set_patch_result_crc (const crc &c)
 set the CRC the file will have once restored or patched (for s_saved, s_delta, and when delta signature is present)
void will_have_delta_signature_structure ()
 prepare the object to receive a delta signature structure
void will_have_delta_signature_available ()
 prepare the object to receive a delta signature structure including delta signature More...
void dump_delta_signature (std::shared_ptr< memory_file > &sig, U_I sign_block_size, generic_file &where, bool small) const
 write down to archive the given delta signature More...
void dump_delta_signature (generic_file &where, bool small) const
 variant of dump_delta_signature when just CRC have to be dumped
void read_delta_signature_metadata () const
 load metadata (and delta signature when in sequential mode) into memory More...
void read_delta_signature (std::shared_ptr< memory_file > &delta_sig, U_I &block_len) const
 fetch the delta signature from the archive More...
void drop_delta_signature_data () const
 drop the delta signature from memory (will not more be posible to be read, using read_delta_signature)
bool has_same_delta_signature (const cat_file &ref) const
 return true if ref and "this" have both equal delta signatures
void clear_delta_signature_only ()
 remove information about delta signature also associated CRCs if status is not s_delta
void clear_delta_signature_structure ()
 remove any information about delta signature
virtual bool operator== (const cat_entree &ref) const override
 not used More...
bool same_data_as (const cat_file &other, bool check_data, const infinint &hourshift)
 compare just data not inode information EA nor FSA
const archive_versionget_archive_version () const
 expose the archive format the object of the backup this object comes from More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from libdar::cat_inode
 cat_inode (const infinint &xuid, const infinint &xgid, U_16 xperm, const datetime &last_access, const datetime &last_modif, const datetime &last_change, const std::string &xname, const infinint &device)
 flag used to only consider certain fields when comparing/restoring inodes
 cat_inode (const std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, const smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > &pdesc, const archive_version &reading_ver, saved_status saved, bool small)
 cat_inode (const cat_inode &ref)
 cat_inode (cat_inode &&ref) noexcept
cat_inodeoperator= (const cat_inode &ref)
cat_inodeoperator= (cat_inode &&ref)
const infinintget_uid () const
const infinintget_gid () const
U_16 get_perm () const
datetime get_last_access () const
datetime get_last_modif () const
void set_last_access (const datetime &x_time)
void set_last_modif (const datetime &x_time)
infinint get_device () const
bool same_as (const cat_inode &ref) const
bool is_more_recent_than (const cat_inode &ref, const infinint &hourshift) const
virtual bool has_changed_since (const cat_inode &ref, const infinint &hourshift, comparison_fields what_to_check) const
void compare (const cat_inode &other, const mask &ea_mask, comparison_fields what_to_check, const infinint &hourshift, bool symlink_date, const fsa_scope &scope, bool isolated_mode) const
 do not try to compare pointed to data, EA of FSA (suitable for isolated catalogue)
void ea_set_saved_status (ea_saved_status status)
ea_saved_status ea_get_saved_status () const
void ea_attach (ea_attributs *ref)
const ea_attributsget_ea () const
 the returned value is the address of an existing file of the cat_inode object and shall not be deleted by the caller
void ea_detach () const
infinint ea_get_size () const
void ea_set_offset (const infinint &pos)
bool ea_get_offset (infinint &pos) const
void ea_set_crc (const crc &val)
void ea_get_crc (const crc *&ptr) const
 the argument is set to point to an allocated crc object owned by this "cat_inode" object, this reference stays valid while the "cat_inode" object exists and MUST NOT be deleted by the caller in any case
bool ea_get_crc_size (infinint &val) const
 returns true if crc is know and puts its width in argument
datetime get_last_change () const
void set_last_change (const datetime &x_time)
bool has_last_change () const
void fsa_set_saved_status (fsa_saved_status status)
fsa_saved_status fsa_get_saved_status () const
fsa_scope fsa_get_families () const
 gives the set of FSA family recorded for that inode More...
void fsa_attach (filesystem_specific_attribute_list *ref)
void fsa_partial_attach (const fsa_scope &val)
const filesystem_specific_attribute_listget_fsa () const
void fsa_detach () const
infinint fsa_get_size () const
void fsa_set_offset (const infinint &pos)
bool fsa_get_offset (infinint &pos) const
void fsa_set_crc (const crc &val)
void fsa_get_crc (const crc *&ptr) const
bool fsa_get_crc_size (infinint &val) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from libdar::cat_nomme
 cat_nomme (const std::string &name, saved_status arg)
 cat_nomme (const smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > &pdesc, bool small, saved_status val)
 cat_nomme (const cat_nomme &ref)=default
 cat_nomme (cat_nomme &&ref) noexcept=default
cat_nommeoperator= (const cat_nomme &ref)=default
cat_nommeoperator= (cat_nomme &&ref)=default
virtual bool operator== (const cat_entree &ref) const override
 returns true if the two object are the same More...
virtual bool operator< (const cat_nomme &ref) const
const std::string & get_name () const
void change_name (const std::string &x)
bool same_as (const cat_nomme &ref) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from libdar::cat_entree
 cat_entree (saved_status val)
 setup an object when read from filesystem More...
 cat_entree (const smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > &pdesc, bool small, saved_status val)
 setup an object when read from an archive More...
 cat_entree (const cat_entree &ref)=default
 cat_entree (cat_entree &&ref) noexcept=default
cat_entreeoperator= (const cat_entree &ref)=default
cat_entreeoperator= (cat_entree &&ref)=default
virtual ~cat_entree () noexcept(false)
 destructor More...
virtual bool operator== (const cat_entree &ref) const =0
 returns true if the two object are the same More...
bool operator!= (const cat_entree &ref) const
bool same_as (const cat_entree &ref) const
 return true of the two objects would generate the same entry on filsystem More...
void dump (const pile_descriptor &pdesc, bool small) const
 write down the object information to a stack More...
void specific_dump (const pile_descriptor &pdesc, bool small) const
 this call gives an access to inherited_dump More...
virtual void post_constructor (const pile_descriptor &pdesc)
 let inherited classes build object's data after CRC has been read from file in small read mode More...
virtual unsigned char signature () const =0
 inherited class signature More...
virtual std::string get_description () const =0
 inherited class designation More...
virtual cat_entreeclone () const =0
 a way to copy the exact type of an object even if pointed to by a parent class pointer More...
virtual void change_location (const smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > &pdesc)
saved_status get_saved_status () const
 obtain the saved status of the object More...
void set_saved_status (saved_status x)
 modify the saved_status of the object More...
void set_list_entry (const slice_layout *sly, bool fetch_ea, list_entry &ent) const
 setup a list_entry object relative to the current cat_entree object More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr U_8 FILE_DATA_WITH_HOLE = 0x01
 file's data contains hole datastructure More...
static constexpr U_8 FILE_DATA_IS_DIRTY = 0x02
 data modified while being saved More...
static constexpr U_8 FILE_DATA_HAS_DELTA_SIG = 0x04
 delta signature is present More...

Protected Types

enum  { empty , from_path , from_cat }

Protected Member Functions

virtual void sub_compare (const cat_inode &other, bool isolated_mode) const override
virtual void inherited_dump (const pile_descriptor &pdesc, bool small) const override
 true if object has been created by sequential reading of an archive More...
virtual void post_constructor (const pile_descriptor &pdesc) override
 let inherited classes build object's data after CRC has been read from file in small read mode More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from libdar::cat_inode
virtual void sub_compare (const cat_inode &other, bool isolated_mode) const
bool get_small_read () const
virtual void inherited_dump (const pile_descriptor &pdesc, bool small) const override
 true if object has been created by sequential reading of an archive More...
virtual void inherited_dump (const pile_descriptor &pdesc, bool small) const override
 inherited class may overload this method but shall first call the parent's inherited_dump() in the overloaded method More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from libdar::cat_entree
virtual void inherited_dump (const pile_descriptor &pdesc, bool small) const
 inherited class may overload this method but shall first call the parent's inherited_dump() in the overloaded method More...
pileget_pile () const
 stack used to read object from (nullptr is returned for object created from filesystem) More...
proto_compressor * get_compressor_layer () const
 compressor generic_file relative methods More...
escape * get_escape_layer () const
 escape generic_file relative methods More...
generic_fileget_read_cat_layer (bool small) const
 return the adhoc layer in the stack to read from the catalogue objects (except the EA, FSA or Data part)

Protected Attributes

enum libdar::cat_file:: { ... }  status

Private Member Functions

void sub_compare_internal (const cat_inode &other, bool can_read_my_data, bool can_read_other_data, const infinint &hourshift) const
void clean_patch_base_crc ()
void detruit ()

Private Attributes

std::string chemin
 path to the data (when read from filesystem) More...
 start location of the data in 'loc' More...
 size of the data (uncompressed) More...
 how much data used in archive (after compression) More...
 crc computed on the data More...
bool dirty
 true when a file has been modified at the time it was saved More...
compression algo_read
 which compression algorithm to use to read the file's data More...
compression algo_write
 which compression algorithm to use to write down (merging) the file's data More...
bool furtive_read_mode
 used only when status equals "from_path" More...
char file_data_status_read
 defines the datastructure to use when reading the data More...
char file_data_status_write
 defines the datastructure to apply when writing down the data More...
 when data contains a delta patch, moved from delta_sig since format 10.2 More...
 delta signature and associated CRC More...
bool delta_sig_read
 whether delta sig has been read/initialized from filesystem More...
archive_version read_ver
 archive format used/to use More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from libdar::cat_entree
static cat_entreeread (const std::shared_ptr< user_interaction > &dialog, const smart_pointer< pile_descriptor > &f, const archive_version &reading_ver, entree_stats &stats, std::map< infinint, cat_etoile * > &corres, compression default_algo, bool lax, bool only_detruit, bool small)
 read and create an object of inherited class of class cat_entree More...

Detailed Description

the plain file class

Definition at line 48 of file cat_file.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 247 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_data_mode

how to get data from archive


provide access to compressed data


provide access to uncompressed data but sparse_file datastructure


provide access to full data (uncompressed, uses skip() to restore holes)


provide access to plain data, no skip to restore holes, provide instead zeroed bytes

Definition at line 53 of file cat_file.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~cat_file()

libdar::cat_file::~cat_file ( )

Definition at line 86 of file cat_file.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ can_get_data()

bool libdar::cat_file::can_get_data ( ) const

check whether the object will be able to provide a object using get_data() method

Definition at line 97 of file cat_file.hpp.

References libdar::delta, libdar::cat_entree::get_saved_status(), and libdar::saved.

◆ change_compression_algo_write()

void libdar::cat_file::change_compression_algo_write ( compression  x)

Definition at line 146 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ change_size()

void libdar::cat_file::change_size ( const infinint s) const

Definition at line 92 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ clone()

virtual cat_entree * libdar::cat_file::clone ( ) const

a way to copy the exact type of an object even if pointed to by a parent class pointer

Implements libdar::cat_entree.

Definition at line 139 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ drop_crc()

void libdar::cat_file::drop_crc ( )

Definition at line 128 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ dump_delta_signature()

void libdar::cat_file::dump_delta_signature ( std::shared_ptr< memory_file > &  sig,
U_I  sign_block_size,
generic_file where,
bool  small 
) const

write down to archive the given delta signature

[in]sigis the signature to dump
[in]sign_block_sizeblock size to used to build the delta signature
[in]whereis the location where to write down the signature
[in]smallif set to true drop down additional information to allow sequential reading mode

◆ get_archive_version()

const archive_version & libdar::cat_file::get_archive_version ( ) const

expose the archive format the object of the backup this object comes from

Definition at line 240 of file cat_file.hpp.

References read_ver.

◆ get_compression_algo_read()

compression libdar::cat_file::get_compression_algo_read ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_compression_algo_write()

compression libdar::cat_file::get_compression_algo_write ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_data()

virtual generic_file * libdar::cat_file::get_data ( get_data_mode  mode,
std::shared_ptr< memory_file delta_sig_mem,
U_I  signature_block_size,
std::shared_ptr< memory_file delta_ref,
const crc **  checksum = nullptr 
) const

returns a newly allocated object in read_only mode

[in]modewhether to return compressed, with hole or plain file
[in,out]delta_sig_memif not nullptr, write to that file the delta signature of the file
[in]signature_block_sizeis the block size to use to build the signature (passed to librsync as is)
[in]delta_refif not nullptr, use the provided signature to generate a delta binary
[in]checksumif not null will set checsum to the address of a newly allocated crc object that the caller has the duty to release when no more needed but *not before the returned generic_file object has been destroyed first. The computed crc is against the real data found on disk not the one of the delta diff that could be generated from get_data()
the object pointed to by delta_sig must exist during the whole life of the returned object, as well as the object pointed to by delta_ref if provided.
when both delta_sig and delta_ref are provided, the delta signature is computed on the file data, then the delta binary is computed.

Reimplemented in libdar::cat_door.

◆ get_description()

virtual std::string libdar::cat_file::get_description ( ) const

inherited class designation

Implements libdar::cat_entree.

Reimplemented in libdar::cat_door.

Definition at line 122 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_size()

infinint libdar::cat_file::get_size ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_sparse_file_detection_read()

bool libdar::cat_file::get_sparse_file_detection_read ( ) const

Definition at line 136 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_sparse_file_detection_write()

bool libdar::cat_file::get_sparse_file_detection_write ( ) const

Definition at line 137 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ get_storage_size()

infinint libdar::cat_file::get_storage_size ( ) const

Definition at line 93 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ has_changed_since()

virtual bool libdar::cat_file::has_changed_since ( const cat_inode ref,
const infinint hourshift,
comparison_fields  what_to_check 
) const

Reimplemented from libdar::cat_inode.

◆ has_crc()

bool libdar::cat_file::has_crc ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ has_delta_signature_available()

bool libdar::cat_file::has_delta_signature_available ( ) const

return whether the object has an associated delta signature structure including a delta signature data (not just CRC)

when reading file from archive/generic_file if the metadata is not loaded to memory calling either read_delta_signature_metadata() or read_delta_signature() and if sequential read mode is used this call will always report false, even if delta signature can be available from filesystem/archive

Definition at line 162 of file cat_file.hpp.

References libdar::cat_delta_signature::can_obtain_sig(), and delta_sig.

◆ has_delta_signature_structure()

bool libdar::cat_file::has_delta_signature_structure ( ) const

return whether the object has an associated delta signature structure

Definition at line 155 of file cat_file.hpp.

References delta_sig.

◆ inherited_dump()

virtual void libdar::cat_file::inherited_dump ( const pile_descriptor &  pdesc,
bool  small 
) const

true if object has been created by sequential reading of an archive

Reimplemented from libdar::cat_inode.

◆ is_dirty()

bool libdar::cat_file::is_dirty ( ) const

Definition at line 150 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ operator==()

virtual bool libdar::cat_file::operator== ( const cat_entree ref) const

not used

Reimplemented from libdar::cat_nomme.

Reimplemented in libdar::cat_door.

Definition at line 234 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ post_constructor()

virtual void libdar::cat_file::post_constructor ( const pile_descriptor &  pdesc)

let inherited classes build object's data after CRC has been read from file in small read mode

[in]pdescstack to read the data from
used from cat_entree::read to complete small read
this method is called by cat_entree::read and mirage::post_constructor only when contructing an object with small set to true

Reimplemented from libdar::cat_entree.

◆ read_delta_signature()

void libdar::cat_file::read_delta_signature ( std::shared_ptr< memory_file > &  delta_sig,
U_I &  block_len 
) const

fetch the delta signature from the archive

[out]delta_sigis either nullptr or points to a shared memory_file containing the delta signature.
[out]block_lenis the block size that has been used to build the signature
nullptr is returned if the delta_signature only contains CRCs

◆ read_delta_signature_metadata()

void libdar::cat_file::read_delta_signature_metadata ( ) const

load metadata (and delta signature when in sequential mode) into memory

call drop_delta_signature_data() subsequently if only the metada is needed (when un sequential read mode or not, it does not hurt)

◆ set_dirty()

void libdar::cat_file::set_dirty ( bool  value)

Definition at line 151 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ set_sparse_file_detection_read()

void libdar::cat_file::set_sparse_file_detection_read ( bool  val)

Definition at line 131 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ set_sparse_file_detection_write()

void libdar::cat_file::set_sparse_file_detection_write ( bool  val)

Definition at line 133 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ set_storage_size()

void libdar::cat_file::set_storage_size ( const infinint s)

Definition at line 94 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ signature()

virtual unsigned char libdar::cat_file::signature ( ) const

inherited class signature

Implements libdar::cat_entree.

Reimplemented in libdar::cat_door.

Definition at line 121 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ sub_compare()

virtual void libdar::cat_file::sub_compare ( const cat_inode other,
bool  isolated_mode 
) const

Reimplemented from libdar::cat_inode.

◆ will_have_delta_signature_available()

void libdar::cat_file::will_have_delta_signature_available ( )

prepare the object to receive a delta signature structure including delta signature

this calls will lead an to error if the delta_signature is written to archive or used while only CRC info has been set (= metadata of delta signature) but no delta signature data has read from the archive or has been provided (by mean of a memory_file when calling dump_delta_signature() method)

Member Data Documentation

◆ algo_read

compression libdar::cat_file::algo_read

which compression algorithm to use to read the file's data

Definition at line 256 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ algo_write

compression libdar::cat_file::algo_write

which compression algorithm to use to write down (merging) the file's data

Definition at line 257 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ check

crc* libdar::cat_file::check

crc computed on the data

Definition at line 254 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ chemin

std::string libdar::cat_file::chemin

path to the data (when read from filesystem)

Definition at line 250 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ delta_sig

cat_delta_signature* libdar::cat_file::delta_sig

delta signature and associated CRC

Definition at line 262 of file cat_file.hpp.

Referenced by has_delta_signature_available(), and has_delta_signature_structure().

◆ delta_sig_read

bool libdar::cat_file::delta_sig_read

whether delta sig has been read/initialized from filesystem

Definition at line 263 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ dirty

bool libdar::cat_file::dirty

true when a file has been modified at the time it was saved

Definition at line 255 of file cat_file.hpp.


constexpr U_8 libdar::cat_file::FILE_DATA_HAS_DELTA_SIG = 0x04

delta signature is present

Definition at line 63 of file cat_file.hpp.


constexpr U_8 libdar::cat_file::FILE_DATA_IS_DIRTY = 0x02

data modified while being saved

Definition at line 62 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ file_data_status_read

char libdar::cat_file::file_data_status_read

defines the datastructure to use when reading the data

Definition at line 259 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ file_data_status_write

char libdar::cat_file::file_data_status_write

defines the datastructure to apply when writing down the data

Definition at line 260 of file cat_file.hpp.


constexpr U_8 libdar::cat_file::FILE_DATA_WITH_HOLE = 0x01

file's data contains hole datastructure

Definition at line 61 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ furtive_read_mode

bool libdar::cat_file::furtive_read_mode

used only when status equals "from_path"

Definition at line 258 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ offset

infinint* libdar::cat_file::offset

start location of the data in 'loc'

Definition at line 251 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ patch_base_check

crc* libdar::cat_file::patch_base_check

when data contains a delta patch, moved from delta_sig since format 10.2

Definition at line 261 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ read_ver

archive_version libdar::cat_file::read_ver

archive format used/to use

Definition at line 264 of file cat_file.hpp.

Referenced by get_archive_version().

◆ size

infinint* libdar::cat_file::size

size of the data (uncompressed)

Definition at line 252 of file cat_file.hpp.

◆ storage_size

infinint* libdar::cat_file::storage_size

how much data used in archive (after compression)

Definition at line 253 of file cat_file.hpp.

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