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APplication Interface backward compatibility for API version 5. More...


file  archive5.hpp
 API v5 backward compatible class archive.
file  archive_options5.hpp
 API v5 compatible archive_options_* classes.
file  database5.hpp
 this file holds the database class definition as defined in API version 5
file  libdar5.hpp
 backward compatibility to libdar API 5
file  user_interaction5.hpp
 API v5 backward compatible class user_interaction.
file  user_interaction_callback5.hpp
 API v5 backward compatible user_interaction_callback class.


class  libdar5::archive
 the archive class realizes the most general operations on archives More...
class  libdar5::database
 the database class defines the dar_manager database More...
class  libdar5::user_interaction
 This is a pure virtual class that is used by libdar when interaction with the user is required. More...
class  libdar5::user_interaction_callback
 full implemented class for user_interaction based on callback functions. More...


 The following macro are used in the "exception" argument of the *_noexcept() functions. More...
 normal return no exception has been thrown More...
#define LIBDAR_EMEMORY   1
 memory has been exhausted More...
#define LIBDAR_EBUG   2
 internal bug error. More...
 division by zero or other arithmetic error More...
 limitint overflow More...
#define LIBDAR_ERANGE   5
 range error More...
#define LIBDAR_EDECI   6
 decimal representation error More...
 feature not (yet) implemented More...
 hardware failure More...
 user has aborted the operation More...
#define LIBDAR_EDATA   10
 data inconsistency, error concerning the treated data More...
#define LIBDAR_ESCRIPT   11
 inter slice script failure More...
#define LIBDAR_ELIBCALL   12
 libdar invalid call (wrong argument given to call, etc.) More...
#define LIBDAR_UNKNOWN   13
 unknown error More...
 feature not activated at compilation time More...
 thread cancellation has been requested More...


compression libdar5::char2compression (char a)
char libdar5::compression2char (compression c)
std::string libdar5::compression2string (compression c)
compression libdar5::string2compression (const std::string &a)
fsa_scope libdar5::all_fsa_families ()
mycurl_protocol libdar5::string_to_mycurl_protocol (const std::string &arg)
void libdar5::get_version (U_I &major, U_I &medium, U_I &minor, bool init_libgcrypt=true)
 return the libdar version, and make libdar initialization (may throw Exceptions) More...
void libdar5::get_version_noexcept (U_I &major, U_I &medium, U_I &minor, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg, bool init_libgcrypt=true)
 return the libdar version, and make libdar initialization (does not throw exceptions) More...
void libdar5::close_and_clean ()
archivelibdar5::open_archive_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, const path &chem, const std::string &basename, const std::string &extension, const archive_options_read &options, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "read" constructor More...
archivelibdar5::create_archive_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, const path &fs_root, const path &sauv_path, const std::string &filename, const std::string &extension, const archive_options_create &options, statistics *progressive_report, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "create" constructor More...
archivelibdar5::isolate_archive_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, archive *ptr, const path &sauv_path, const std::string &filename, const std::string &extension, const archive_options_isolate &options, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "isolate" constructor More...
archivelibdar5::merge_archive_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, const path &sauv_path, archive *ref_arch1, const std::string &filename, const std::string &extension, const archive_options_merge &options, statistics *progressive_report, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "merging" constructor More...
void libdar5::close_archive_noexcept (archive *ptr, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is wrapper around the archive destructor More...
statistics libdar5::op_extract_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, archive *ptr, const path &fs_root, const archive_options_extract &options, statistics *progressive_report, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is wrapper around the op_extract method More...
void libdar5::op_listing_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, archive *ptr, const archive_options_listing &options, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is wrapper around the op_listing method More...
statistics libdar5::op_diff_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, archive *ptr, const path &fs_root, const archive_options_diff &options, statistics *progressive_report, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is wrapper around the op_diff method More...
statistics libdar5::op_test_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, archive *ptr, const archive_options_test &options, statistics *progressive_report, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is wrapper around the op_test method More...
bool libdar5::get_children_of_noexcept (user_interaction &dialog, archive *ptr, const std::string &dir, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 this is wrapper around the get_children_of method More...
char * libdar5::libdar_str2charptr_noexcept (const std::string &x, U_16 &exception, std::string &except_msg)
 routine provided to convert std::string to char * More...
std::shared_ptr< user_interactionlibdar5::user_interaction5_clone_to_shared_ptr (user_interaction &dialog)
 convert a user_interaction to a shared_pointer on a clone of that user_interaction


constexpr compression libdar5::none = compression::none
constexpr compression libdar5::gzip = compression::gzip
constexpr compression libdar5::bzip2 = compression::bzip2
constexpr compression libdar5::lzo = compression::lzo
constexpr compression libdar5::xz = compression::xz
constexpr compression libdar5::lzo1x_1_15 = compression::lzo1x_1_15
constexpr compression libdar5::lzo1x_1 = compression::lzo1x_1
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_none = crypto_algo::none
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_scrambling = crypto_algo::scrambling
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_blowfish = crypto_algo::blowfish
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_aes256 = crypto_algo::aes256
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_twofish256 = crypto_algo::twofish256
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_serpent256 = crypto_algo::serpent256
constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_camellia256 = crypto_algo::camellia256
constexpr capa_status libdar5::capa_set = libdar::capa_status::capa_set
constexpr capa_status libdar5::capa_clear = libdar::capa_status::capa_clear
constexpr capa_status libdar5::capa_unknown = libdar::capa_status::capa_unknown
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_preserve = libdar::over_action_data::data_preserve
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_overwrite = libdar::over_action_data::data_overwrite
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_preserve_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_data::data_preserve_mark_already_saved
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_overwrite_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_data::data_overwrite_mark_already_saved
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_remove = libdar::over_action_data::data_remove
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_undefined = libdar::over_action_data::data_undefined
constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_ask = libdar::over_action_data::data_ask
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_preserve = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_preserve
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_overwrite = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_overwrite
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_clear = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_clear
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_preserve_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_preserve_mark_already_saved
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_overwrite_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_overwrite_mark_already_saved
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_merge_preserve = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_merge_preserve
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_merge_overwrite = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_merge_overwrite
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_undefined = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_undefined
constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_ask = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_ask
constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_none = hash_algo::none
constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_md5 = hash_algo::md5
constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_sha1 = hash_algo::sha1
constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_sha512 = hash_algo::sha512
constexpr fsa_family libdar5::fsaf_hfs_plus = fsa_family::fsaf_hfs_plus
constexpr fsa_family libdar5::fsaf_linux_extX = fsa_family::fsaf_linux_extX
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_unset = fsa_nature::fsan_unset
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_creation_date = fsa_nature::fsan_creation_date
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_append_only = fsa_nature::fsan_append_only
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_compressed = fsa_nature::fsan_compressed
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_no_dump = fsa_nature::fsan_no_dump
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_immutable = fsa_nature::fsan_immutable
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_data_journaling = fsa_nature::fsan_data_journaling
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_secure_deletion = fsa_nature::fsan_secure_deletion
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_no_tail_merging = fsa_nature::fsan_no_tail_merging
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_undeletable = fsa_nature::fsan_undeletable
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_noatime_update = fsa_nature::fsan_noatime_update
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_synchronous_directory = fsa_nature::fsan_synchronous_directory
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_synchronous_udpdate = fsa_nature::fsan_synchronous_update
constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_top_of_dir_hierarchy = fsa_nature::fsan_top_of_dir_hierarchy
constexpr gf_mode libdar5::gf_read_only = gf_mode::gf_read_only
constexpr gf_mode libdar5::gf_write_only = gf_mode::gf_write_only
constexpr gf_mode libdar5::gf_read_write = gf_mode::gf_read_write
constexpr mycurl_protocol libdar5::proto_ftp = mycurl_protocol::proto_ftp
constexpr mycurl_protocol libdar5::proto_sftp = mycurl_protocol::proto_sftp
constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_all = comparison_fields::all
constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_ignore_owner = comparison_fields::ignore_owner
constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_mtime = comparison_fields::mtime
constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_inode_type = comparison_fields::inode_type
const U_I libdar5::LIBDAR_COMPILE_TIME_MAJOR = 5
 libdar Major version defined at compilation time More...
const U_I libdar5::LIBDAR_COMPILE_TIME_MEDIUM = 202
 libdar Medium version defined at compilation time More...
const U_I libdar5::LIBDAR_COMPILE_TIME_MINOR = 0
 libdar Minor version defined at compilation time More...

Detailed Description

APplication Interface backward compatibility for API version 5.

backward compatible namespace with dar/libdar releases 2.5.x and 2.4.x

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LIBDAR_EBUG   2

internal bug error.

Definition at line 77 of file libdar5.hpp.



feature not activated at compilation time

Definition at line 101 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_EDATA   10

data inconsistency, error concerning the treated data

Definition at line 93 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_EDECI   6

decimal representation error

Definition at line 85 of file libdar5.hpp.



feature not (yet) implemented

Definition at line 87 of file libdar5.hpp.



hardware failure

Definition at line 89 of file libdar5.hpp.



division by zero or other arithmetic error

Definition at line 79 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_ELIBCALL   12

libdar invalid call (wrong argument given to call, etc.)

Definition at line 97 of file libdar5.hpp.



limitint overflow

Definition at line 81 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_EMEMORY   1

memory has been exhausted

Definition at line 75 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_ERANGE   5

range error

Definition at line 83 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_ESCRIPT   11

inter slice script failure

Definition at line 95 of file libdar5.hpp.



user has aborted the operation

Definition at line 91 of file libdar5.hpp.



normal return no exception has been thrown

Definition at line 73 of file libdar5.hpp.



thread cancellation has been requested

Definition at line 103 of file libdar5.hpp.


#define LIBDAR_UNKNOWN   13

unknown error

Definition at line 99 of file libdar5.hpp.



The following macro are used in the "exception" argument of the *_noexcept() functions.

Definition at line 70 of file libdar5.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ all_fsa_families()

fsa_scope libdar5::all_fsa_families ( )

Definition at line 302 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ char2compression()

compression libdar5::char2compression ( char  a)

Definition at line 162 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ close_archive_noexcept()

void libdar5::close_archive_noexcept ( archive ptr,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is wrapper around the archive destructor

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ compression2char()

char libdar5::compression2char ( compression  c)

Definition at line 163 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ compression2string()

std::string libdar5::compression2string ( compression  c)

Definition at line 164 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ create_archive_noexcept()

archive * libdar5::create_archive_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
const path fs_root,
const path sauv_path,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  extension,
const archive_options_create &  options,
statistics progressive_report,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "create" constructor

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ get_children_of_noexcept()

bool libdar5::get_children_of_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
archive ptr,
const std::string &  dir,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is wrapper around the get_children_of method

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ get_version()

void libdar5::get_version ( U_I &  major,
U_I &  medium,
U_I &  minor,
bool  init_libgcrypt = true 

return the libdar version, and make libdar initialization (may throw Exceptions)

It is mandatory to call this function (or another one of the get_version* family)

[out]majorthe major number of the version
[out]mediumthe medium number of the version
[out]minorthe minor number of the version
[in]init_libgcryptwhether to initialize libgcrypt if not already done (not used if libcrypt is not linked with libdar)
the calling application must match that the major function is the same as the libdar used at compilation time. See API tutorial for a sample code.

◆ get_version_noexcept()

void libdar5::get_version_noexcept ( U_I &  major,
U_I &  medium,
U_I &  minor,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg,
bool  init_libgcrypt = true 

return the libdar version, and make libdar initialization (does not throw exceptions)

It is mandatory to call this function (or another one of the get_version* family)

[out]majorthe major number of the version
[out]mediumthe medium number of the version
[out]minorthe minor number of the version
[out]exceptionis to be compared with the LIBDAR_* macro to know whether the call succeeded
[out]except_msgin case exception is not equal to LIBDAR_NOEXCEPT this argument contains
[in]init_libgcryptwhether to initialize libgcrypt if not already done (not used if libcrypt is not linked with libdar) a human readable explaination of the error met.
the calling application must match that the major function is the same as the libdar used at compilation time. See API tutorial for a sample code.

◆ isolate_archive_noexcept()

archive * libdar5::isolate_archive_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
archive ptr,
const path sauv_path,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  extension,
const archive_options_isolate &  options,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "isolate" constructor

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ libdar_str2charptr_noexcept()

char * libdar5::libdar_str2charptr_noexcept ( const std::string &  x,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

routine provided to convert std::string to char *

[in]xthe string to convert
[out]exceptionthe return status of the call
[out]except_msgthe message taken from the caught exception in case of error for an explaination of the two last arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function
the address of a newly allocated memory which must be released calling the "delete []" operator when no more needed.
nullptr in case of error

◆ merge_archive_noexcept()

archive * libdar5::merge_archive_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
const path sauv_path,
archive ref_arch1,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  extension,
const archive_options_merge &  options,
statistics progressive_report,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "merging" constructor

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ op_diff_noexcept()

statistics libdar5::op_diff_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
archive ptr,
const path fs_root,
const archive_options_diff &  options,
statistics progressive_report,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is wrapper around the op_diff method

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ op_extract_noexcept()

statistics libdar5::op_extract_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
archive ptr,
const path fs_root,
const archive_options_extract options,
statistics progressive_report,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is wrapper around the op_extract method

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ op_listing_noexcept()

void libdar5::op_listing_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
archive ptr,
const archive_options_listing &  options,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is wrapper around the op_listing method

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ op_test_noexcept()

statistics libdar5::op_test_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
archive ptr,
const archive_options_test options,
statistics progressive_report,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is wrapper around the op_test method

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ open_archive_noexcept()

archive * libdar5::open_archive_noexcept ( user_interaction dialog,
const path chem,
const std::string &  basename,
const std::string &  extension,
const archive_options_read &  options,
U_16 &  exception,
std::string &  except_msg 

this is a wrapper around the archive constructor known as the "read" constructor

check the archive class for details for an explaination of the two extra arguments exception and except_msg check the get_version_noexcept function

◆ string2compression()

compression libdar5::string2compression ( const std::string &  a)

Definition at line 165 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ string_to_mycurl_protocol()

mycurl_protocol libdar5::string_to_mycurl_protocol ( const std::string &  arg)

Definition at line 332 of file libdar5.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ bzip2

constexpr compression libdar5::bzip2 = compression::bzip2

Definition at line 156 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ capa_clear

constexpr capa_status libdar5::capa_clear = libdar::capa_status::capa_clear

Definition at line 194 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ capa_set

constexpr capa_status libdar5::capa_set = libdar::capa_status::capa_set

Definition at line 193 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ capa_unknown

constexpr capa_status libdar5::capa_unknown = libdar::capa_status::capa_unknown

Definition at line 195 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ cf_all

constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_all = comparison_fields::all

Definition at line 349 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ cf_ignore_owner

constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_ignore_owner = comparison_fields::ignore_owner

Definition at line 350 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ cf_inode_type

constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_inode_type = comparison_fields::inode_type

Definition at line 352 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ cf_mtime

constexpr comparison_fields libdar5::cf_mtime = comparison_fields::mtime

Definition at line 351 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_aes256

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_aes256 = crypto_algo::aes256

Definition at line 172 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_blowfish

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_blowfish = crypto_algo::blowfish

Definition at line 171 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_camellia256

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_camellia256 = crypto_algo::camellia256

Definition at line 175 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_none

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_none = crypto_algo::none

Definition at line 169 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_scrambling

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_scrambling = crypto_algo::scrambling

Definition at line 170 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_serpent256

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_serpent256 = crypto_algo::serpent256

Definition at line 174 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ crypto_twofish256

constexpr crypto_algo libdar5::crypto_twofish256 = crypto_algo::twofish256

Definition at line 173 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_ask

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_ask = libdar::over_action_data::data_ask

Definition at line 252 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_overwrite

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_overwrite = libdar::over_action_data::data_overwrite

Definition at line 247 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_overwrite_mark_already_saved

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_overwrite_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_data::data_overwrite_mark_already_saved

Definition at line 249 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_preserve

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_preserve = libdar::over_action_data::data_preserve

Definition at line 246 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_preserve_mark_already_saved

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_preserve_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_data::data_preserve_mark_already_saved

Definition at line 248 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_remove

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_remove = libdar::over_action_data::data_remove

Definition at line 250 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ data_undefined

constexpr over_action_data libdar5::data_undefined = libdar::over_action_data::data_undefined

Definition at line 251 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_ask

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_ask = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_ask

Definition at line 263 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_clear

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_clear = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_clear

Definition at line 257 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_merge_overwrite

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_merge_overwrite = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_merge_overwrite

Definition at line 261 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_merge_preserve

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_merge_preserve = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_merge_preserve

Definition at line 260 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_overwrite

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_overwrite = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_overwrite

Definition at line 256 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_overwrite_mark_already_saved

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_overwrite_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_overwrite_mark_already_saved

Definition at line 259 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_preserve

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_preserve = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_preserve

Definition at line 255 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_preserve_mark_already_saved

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_preserve_mark_already_saved = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_preserve_mark_already_saved

Definition at line 258 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ EA_undefined

constexpr over_action_ea libdar5::EA_undefined = libdar::over_action_ea::EA_undefined

Definition at line 262 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsaf_hfs_plus

constexpr fsa_family libdar5::fsaf_hfs_plus = fsa_family::fsaf_hfs_plus

Definition at line 282 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsaf_linux_extX

constexpr fsa_family libdar5::fsaf_linux_extX = fsa_family::fsaf_linux_extX

Definition at line 283 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_append_only

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_append_only = fsa_nature::fsan_append_only

Definition at line 288 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_compressed

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_compressed = fsa_nature::fsan_compressed

Definition at line 289 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_creation_date

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_creation_date = fsa_nature::fsan_creation_date

Definition at line 287 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_data_journaling

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_data_journaling = fsa_nature::fsan_data_journaling

Definition at line 292 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_immutable

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_immutable = fsa_nature::fsan_immutable

Definition at line 291 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_no_dump

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_no_dump = fsa_nature::fsan_no_dump

Definition at line 290 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_no_tail_merging

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_no_tail_merging = fsa_nature::fsan_no_tail_merging

Definition at line 294 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_noatime_update

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_noatime_update = fsa_nature::fsan_noatime_update

Definition at line 296 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_secure_deletion

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_secure_deletion = fsa_nature::fsan_secure_deletion

Definition at line 293 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_synchronous_directory

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_synchronous_directory = fsa_nature::fsan_synchronous_directory

Definition at line 297 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_synchronous_udpdate

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_synchronous_udpdate = fsa_nature::fsan_synchronous_update

Definition at line 298 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_top_of_dir_hierarchy

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_top_of_dir_hierarchy = fsa_nature::fsan_top_of_dir_hierarchy

Definition at line 299 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_undeletable

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_undeletable = fsa_nature::fsan_undeletable

Definition at line 295 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ fsan_unset

constexpr fsa_nature libdar5::fsan_unset = fsa_nature::fsan_unset

Definition at line 286 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ gf_read_only

constexpr gf_mode libdar5::gf_read_only = gf_mode::gf_read_only

Definition at line 307 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ gf_read_write

constexpr gf_mode libdar5::gf_read_write = gf_mode::gf_read_write

Definition at line 309 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ gf_write_only

constexpr gf_mode libdar5::gf_write_only = gf_mode::gf_write_only

Definition at line 308 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ gzip

constexpr compression libdar5::gzip = compression::gzip

Definition at line 155 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ hash_md5

constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_md5 = hash_algo::md5

Definition at line 276 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ hash_none

constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_none = hash_algo::none

Definition at line 275 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ hash_sha1

constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_sha1 = hash_algo::sha1

Definition at line 277 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ hash_sha512

constexpr hash_algo libdar5::hash_sha512 = hash_algo::sha512

Definition at line 278 of file libdar5.hpp.


const U_I libdar5::LIBDAR_COMPILE_TIME_MAJOR = 5

libdar Major version defined at compilation time

Definition at line 355 of file libdar5.hpp.


const U_I libdar5::LIBDAR_COMPILE_TIME_MEDIUM = 202

libdar Medium version defined at compilation time

Definition at line 357 of file libdar5.hpp.


const U_I libdar5::LIBDAR_COMPILE_TIME_MINOR = 0

libdar Minor version defined at compilation time

Definition at line 359 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ lzo

constexpr compression libdar5::lzo = compression::lzo

Definition at line 157 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ lzo1x_1

constexpr compression libdar5::lzo1x_1 = compression::lzo1x_1

Definition at line 160 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ lzo1x_1_15

constexpr compression libdar5::lzo1x_1_15 = compression::lzo1x_1_15

Definition at line 159 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ none

constexpr compression libdar5::none = compression::none

Definition at line 154 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ proto_ftp

constexpr mycurl_protocol libdar5::proto_ftp = mycurl_protocol::proto_ftp

Definition at line 329 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ proto_sftp

constexpr mycurl_protocol libdar5::proto_sftp = mycurl_protocol::proto_sftp

Definition at line 330 of file libdar5.hpp.

◆ xz

constexpr compression libdar5::xz = compression::xz

Definition at line 158 of file libdar5.hpp.