29#include "../my_config.h"
57 const path & get_path()
const {
return chemin; };
58 const std::string & get_string()
59 const std::string & get_string_without_root()
64 mutable enum { none, full, without_root }
base class for all object contained in a catalogue
the root class from all other inherite for any entry in the catalogue
the defile class keep trace of the real path of files while the flow in the filter routines
bool init
true if reached the "root" (all pushed arguments have been poped)
enum libdar::defile::@1 cache_set
whether cache is accurate
std::string cache
cache of "chemin" converted into string
the class path is here to manipulate paths in the Unix notation: using'/'
libdar namespace encapsulate all libdar symbols
here is the definition of the path class