29#include "../my_config.h"
64 bool operator < (
const archive_version & ref)
const {
return value() < ref.value(); };
65 bool operator >= (
const archive_version & ref)
const {
return value() >= ref.value(); };
66 bool operator == (
const archive_version & ref)
const {
return value() == ref.value(); };
67 bool operator != (
const archive_version & ref)
const {
return value() != ref.value(); };
68 bool operator > (
const archive_version & ref)
const {
return value() > ref.value(); };
69 bool operator <= (
const archive_version & ref)
const {
return value() <= ref.value(); };
71 void dump(generic_file & f)
72 void read(generic_file & f);
81 U_I value()
const {
return (U_I)(version)*256 + fix; };
82 static unsigned char to_digit(
unsigned char val);
83 static unsigned char to_char(
unsigned char val);
86 extern const archive_version empty_archive_version();
class archive_version manages the version of the archive format
std::string display() const
provides the version information as a human readable string
archive_version(U_16 x=0, unsigned char fix=0)
archive_version constructor
are defined here basic integer types that tend to be portable
libdar namespace encapsulate all libdar symbols