Current Releases
Branch 2.6.x Version 2.6.16 Released January 2nd, 2022 |
Branch 2.7.x Version 2.7.17 Released March 22nd, 2025 |
Branch 2.8.x Version 2.8.0 Development started January 15th, 2022 |
Development Cycle
development phase | Frozen API phase | Pre-release phase | release phase | Soon EoL | Dead |
- Development phase
- code receive new features and is tested per feature, it is known as unstable code and unsupported
- Frozen API phase
- the API is now fixed and will be released without modifications, during this phase a lot of work is done on documentation update while developpers of other project can start implementing new features in their programs.
- Pre-release phase
- A lot of effort is done on quality, stability by intensive testing and compiling dar/libdar in many diverse environments, using several different compilers, activating all features or not, and so on. Code is fully supported starting this phase.
- Release phase
- Code is stable and has been validated in many environments, though the three steps (green colors) report the general adoption and level of return on experiences. Usually, step 2 is reach after six months to one year (around 5 maintenance releases) and from one year to two years for step three, which corresponds to 7 to 10 releases around.
- End of Life (EoL) phase
- When a branch is annonced as End of Life, maintenance will end after the following six months up to one year. New maintenance releases may still take place if necessary.
- Dead phase
- Code is not maintained anymore and you are invited to use a version on a more recent branch if you need support. A branch does not die before releases on the next branch reached to step 3 of the release process (dark green color).
Source code is available in two formats and for each at several places:
- packaged in tarball
This code is ready for use:
Just unpack and follow the instructions (the easy way)
- GIT repository
This is gives access to all flavors of code including developement, testing and unstable code. So you have to pay attention to the branch you retreive the code from. There is two identical GIT repositories:
For more see the instructions (the less easy way)
All source and binary packages officially released are signed against the author's GPG key also available from public key servers. Once you have obtained the signatories key you can verify the authenticity of a package using the package signature